Plastic epoxy?

  • Red Eye
    Posts: 1005

    I cracked my oil tank on the polaris sportsman. A new or even used tank are not cheap. I used some kind of plastic epoxy to patch the cracks but it didn’t hold. Any suggestions for a better epoxy?

    1. 5C8B57D6-6380-4705-B753-877B0595C19A-scaled.jpeg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    There is almost no plastic that JB Weld can’t fix. Clean off all that old epoxy first.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    There is almost no plastic that JB Weld can’t fix. Clean off all that old epoxy first.


    central mn / starlake
    Posts: 480

    you can use a soldering iron to melt the crack to gather.
    use a cleaner to clean the area then use JB Weld.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    Plastic welding is not too hard.
    Use a solder iron and some strips of HDPE plastic. 5 gal buckets, anti freeze jugs….
    Heat it up and smear it back together. Also heat sinking thin wire bent into zig zag strips can help to hold the crack together also.
    If worried about quality then scratch the area up well and cover with JB

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1005

    When you say JB Weld are you talking original?

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1005

    And to be more clear it id not just a small crack. The weldment actually split along the parting line.

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    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    Look for someone who does plastic welding. They use specialized equipment. It may cost a few bucks, but it’s cheaper than running out of oil and toasting your engine. Or look for a ATV junkyard and buy a used tank.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    When you say JB Weld are you talking original?

    <div class=”ido-oembed-wrap”><iframe loading=”lazy” title=”J-B Weld 8265S Original Cold-Weld Steel Reinforced Epoxy – 2 oz.” type=”text/html” width=”850″ height=”550″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”” style=”max-width:100%” src=”″></iframe></div&gt;

    yes that stuff is awesome.

    i was changing the oil in my old lawnmower years back. taking out the plug the next thing i knew i had the plug and part of the motor laying there. after i got done wondering what the heck just happened. i cleaned that baby up really food. slobbered J-B weld on it stuck it back in place and let it dry. i cut with that mower for 10 more years without it leaking a drop of oil.’

    that stuff is awesome!!!!!

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    JB Weld will work, you have to clean with brake cleaner first and let it dry, if there is any residue from oil or anything it will not hold up. Also will not be a permanent solution but as other said will likely last a while.

    Posts: 4524

    I would Bite the bullet and buy a new or used one if you can find one. Not worth messing around with. Your time spent already would cover the cost.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I used to do production plastic welding from hot plate, spin welding, chemical, gun welding, etc. You will not find something that will hold that together long term in a dirty and vibration prone environment, trust me.

    You need to replace the tank or you’ll be replacing the engine shortly after an attempted fix.

    If you feel the need to attempt, try chemical welding with MEK.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    After thinking this over and looking closer at the pic better. Merican Eagle is right the vibration alone would take out the best epoxy or weld would most likely fail. Bite the bullet and order one.

    central mn / starlake
    Posts: 480

    after seeing that picture it needs to be replaced

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1005

    Yep. Guy at work tried welding it. Im ordering a new/used one today.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    If you feel the need to attempt, try chemical welding with MEK.

    Methyl Ethyl Ketone ? Stuff is nasty blush

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1005

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Merican Eagle wrote:</div>
    If you feel the need to attempt, try chemical welding with MEK.

    Methyl Ethyl Ketone ? Stuff is nasty blush

    We have MEK in our shop. I found a cup of a unknown liquid at my work center once. Stupid me decided to take a big wiff to see what it was. It was MEK. I felt what I can only imagine a meth head feels like when taking a hit. Crap went straight to my brain. Hate to think about how many brain cells died that day.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Methyl Ethyl Ketone ? Stuff is nasty

    Yes, super nasty! Plus MEK substitute’s do not work well for plastic welding. Lots of plastic fab has shifted to hot plate/spin welding to remove MEK from production facilities. But it’s still needed to an extent.

    Posts: 2853

    Replace it.I know you could patch it but anything you do is temporary.Bite the bullet and save some time and extra money and fix it right,the first time.

    Posts: 4800

    Replace it.I know you could patch it but anything you do is temporary.Bite the bullet and save some time and extra money and fix it right,the first time.

    X2. You can probably find a new aftermarket one pretty cheap

    Hodag Hunter
    Northern Wisconsin
    Posts: 480

    X2. You can probably find a new aftermarket one pretty cheap

    Only if you think $300 is cheap.

    I just went through this with a side panel. $180 for a 12″x16″ panel – black. $300 if I wanted red or silver.

    Posts: 4800

    Have you tried any salvage yards?

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1005

    I found one on eBay for $95 shipped. Its on the way.

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