Planning Lac Seul…Need Help

  • sbr_it
    Posts: 217

    Obviously, not this summer, but looking to maybe head up to Lac Seul next year. I was up with my father and group of guys some years ago and fished mostly around Hudson. We weren’t at a resort, but one of the guys had family that lived in that area so that is where we stayed. Anyways, looking ahead what kind of questions should I be asking myself, others, possible resorts, etc when planning this trip. Will definitely be a June-August trip as my son who is in school would be one in the party, with a slight lean towards end of July/early August. Such a vast body of water how do I go about location? Not sure if I’d be bringing a boat up or not. Thanks.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17283

    Lots of info on Canadian trips posted here………..

    Enjoy your trip.

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    I’ve never been myself. Did plenty of research for my trip that’s supposed to be in a little over 3 weeks. Looking more and more like that trip wont happen, unfortunately.

    Seems like the majority of the resorts are in the very NW corner of the lake in Goldpines. There are some resorts spread out throughout the lake, though. Onaway, Mahkwa, Silver water wheel, to name a few. Read somewhere that US residents are not allowed to primitively camp there, must stay through a resort. All resorts I talked to required a 1 week rental in summer. These rentals usually included cabin, bait, ice, and the option of using your own boat or renting theirs. My group decided we’d try renting boats for once just to see how it went.

    Dennis Williams
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 246

    I have stayed at Evergreen Lodge many times. Great service. The little bay they are in is well protected. Leaving the boat tied up all week is not a problem. The boats they rent are in good shape and clean. I bring my own boat but have thought of leaving it home to avoid trailering.


    Alex Fox
    Posts: 456

    I’ve been out of Lost Island Lodge twice and it was well worth it. If you bring your own food, rent their boat and gas, and even go out with one of their guides, I think for 5 days it was just over $1000.

    One thing I would recommend is some form of GPS. The lake is massive and everything looks the same. In a rented boat with an US phone, my GPS wouldn’t work well enough for us to venture out far. Not that it’s needed, we still averaged 100 fish days, but it’d be nice to try some different spots. If you have some good imaging on your boat, it might be worth bringing, or some form of hand held so you can find your way back. Our guide drove us for an hour with no gps, literally 20 or 30 miles, navigating by trees and rocks and islands. But yet he just stops on a random spot, says drop lines, and everyone in the boat had a walleye on in the first 2 minutes. No way we would have found our way back though.

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1727

    Regarding the gps, download that Navioics app (USA/Canada). Then make sure you download the area of Lac Seul (or all of it) you plan to fish so it on your phone/app. Then you can use the app without cell service. The gps in your phone with allow you to be on the app so that you know whwere you are at. The first year I took my boat, I didn’t have the proper graph on the boat to be able to put one of the newer chips in it. Used the app and trail tracking system on my old graph and never had a problem of finding my way around. Looked a little silly with the phone laying on my belly navigating, but we moved twenty miles from Camp and was able to find the suggested travel route on the app and follw it to where we wanted to fish, then used the track on my graph along with the app to motor home safely!!!

    We have fished out of Siver Water Wheel in the South Central and Mawhkwa in the SE portion and love the trip with the exception of the 11 hour cruise from northern WI up there. Its fantastic fishing, but I would rather be fishing than driving to be truthful.


    PS > Ask more questions, if we can answer, we’ll try to help!!!

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