Planner boards

  • Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    I’m looking to pick up some planer boards, what does everyone suggest? Will use with standard walleye crank baits and 20# 832 braid. Would also like to be able to pull some super shad raps on 80# 832 braid. Do I need different sets or is there a medium size board that would work? Also which clips? Plan on switching them out or what is everyone’s opinion?

    Posts: 379

    Regular size should work well (no reason to get the magnum, and I don’t like the super small ones). I don’t see any reason to get options like the tattle flag or the ones that release towards the back of the boat either. I personally like offshore (the yellow ones), but the orange church boards are a good product as well. No need for different sets of boards.

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