Question for all you seasoned trollers out there. I really want to get into board fishing this year, so I’ve been studying up on it quite a bit. I’ve noticed that in some of the videos I’ve seen of them being used, guys will “trip” the board, i.e. jerk on the rod softly to pull the line out of the first clip on the board. That way they can slowly work the fish directly behind the boat, getting it out of the path of other boards, and not having to fight the board as much. However in plenty (maybe even the majority) of other videos I’ve seen of them being used, the guys don’t “trip” the board, they just reel it in to the boat and then manually remove the line from both clips. I’m just curious why some guys prefer to leave the line attached to both clips, and some prefer to trip it? To me (a guy who has fished boards a total of one time, with a total of one board, and caught a total of zero fish), the tripping method seems like it would be the logical preference, because you’re not fighting the board and you’re bringing the fish in straight behind the boat. Just another ‘cabin fever’ question I guess, thanks guys!
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