
  • 3rdtryguy
    Central Mn
    Posts: 1617

    I read so many good posts about these small inexpensive spinning reels that I had to try one. Out of the box the thing spins as smooth as butter. The finish on the real looks pretty good, but when I started reading the instructions, I found things I’ve never ever heard of from other real manufactures. The biggest one is that they want you to lube these things every five times you use them. You lube them by taking out screws and spraying in oil, but be careful too much oil will leak out and get all over your line and your clothes according to their instructions. They also don’t want you to store these things where there isn’t any humidity during the off-season if you’re not going to use them. They say to take them off the rod and store them in a cool dry spot to prevent corrosion. There’s a few other things that are just as crazy along with these. I’m just kind of wondering how many of you guys that did buy these things followed all those maintenance tips. Are these things made out of such junk gears and guts that they corrode that fast? I’m anxious to hear from some of you guys that I’ve had them for a while. So far I’m impressed so I’m just curious. Thank you.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1390

    Have a few. Never done a thing to them. Going on 4 seasons now. Solid for the price!!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    Have a few. Never done a thing to them. Going on 4 seasons now. Solid for the price!!


    Posts: 4802

    Same here I have a couple and haven’t done a thing to them or treat them any different than any other reel

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1617

    Good news. I realize these are inexpensive so it’s not a reel hit if it goes bad. Just curious, did you guys read the maintenance instructions? I usually don’t but did on this reel. These look like perfect reels for spares for friends or guests. I think right now this is the smoothest reel I own, even compared to some very speedy ones.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    I have never read the destructions on any reel I own. I just take care of all of them equally. Most get lubed as needed or every other season.

    Posts: 762

    All reels need to be maintained to maximize life, but for all of history, the primary manufacturers have never made a point to clearly instruct purchasers to do the maintenance. I think Piscifun along with some of the other brand new manufacturers are trying to be proactive, and are trying to educate fishermen that these tools do need maintenance to make them function at their best.
    The Piscifun reels are a great value, and their upper tier of products are actually well made – a huge change from what we typically see on Chinese manufactured products. Quite a contrast from the big manufacturers whose products that are being sourced from China have reduced their level of quality.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3546

    I purchased a Carbon Light 1000 going on two years so far so good, when I first got mine it felt like they forgot to put any lubrication in it. After I pulled it apart and lubed it is very smooth, for being a cheaper reel it has a very decent drag.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 659

    I have one that I got last spring, is a 1000 size. Was smooth all seasons and then I put it on one of my ice fishing rods. It got tangled in another line while we were on red lake and went down the hole and back up the other. Does not seemed to have skipped a beat. They are a very good budget reel. Probably should tear mine apart this spring and re lube it.

    Posts: 2880

    I purchased a Carbon Light 1000 going on two years so far so good, when I first got mine it felt like they forgot to put any lubrication in it. After I pulled it apart and lubed it is very smooth, for being a cheaper reel it has a very decent drag.

    Drags on them are awesome.

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