Pike weight estimate

  • Levi stevens
    Posts: 8

    My friend caught this pike last year and we never had a scale on us of coarse but was curious to see what it weighed around it was 42 inches long with a 17 inch girth. Just would like to get a rough estimate thanks

    1. 20200811_174002-scaled.jpg

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    15 pounds.

    42 inches is a really solid fish if you caught it around here. Weighing large fish like that really isn’t realistic. Simply measure them, take a photo, and release them.

    Blaine, Minnesota
    Posts: 85

    I caught one about the same size a few years ago and it was 21 lb.
    Great catch!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12748

    I’m going to say it would be in the 16-19Lb. range. Nice looking fish but not overly fat. If that fish was caught anyplace other than canada it is a BIG PIKE no matter what it weighed. have caught 42″ pike that have ranged from 15-22 lbs. It often depends on the time of the year and what they have been feeding on. Fall fish that are feeding mostly on Cisco and White fish are some of the biggest that I have caught. In the spring shortly after the spawn they tend to be the smallest.

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    great pike!

    the muskie weight calculator gives a pretty good estimate, works on pike too.
    Length x Girth x Girth / 800
    42 x 17 x 17 / 800 = 15.17lbs.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    This is what North American In-Fisherman says for a length/weight ratio based on what region you are fishing in. Obviously diet and time of year play a role too. We have an annual work fishing contest that uses this to score each entry.


    Levi stevens
    Posts: 8

    Thanks for all of the geusses after seeing what everyone has said i am personally geussing around 20lbs because it was in the fall and i have weighed too many 14-18lbs pike to geuss any lower thank you for helping my friend get a better idea since this was his biggest one and it was released

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    I would guess 25, add one more beer, 30. Heck by the end of the story it’s 30+ toast

    In all seriousness I’m with Fishthumper. He’s caught enough in that class and I’ve seen a few as well. I’m going to eyeball it at 18#. Great fish, don’t care where it was caught bow

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2851

    Thinking 20 lbs at least.

    Posts: 3490

    My first northern was 36″ and plump. Weighed 14 #s. I’d say close to 20#.

    Posts: 2884

    I would think around 20

    Verrrrry nice pike

    Posts: 6687

    Weighing large fish like that really isn’t realistic

    Weigh the fish in the same net used to land the fish.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    Weigh the fish in the same net used to land the fish.

    Maybe no net was used.

    I’m trying to picture myself trying to weigh a large fish in my muskie net…and I don’t see it working out very well. I’ll measure it and then release it.

    If I had some sort of muskie cradle with straps to a scale then it might be an easier task.

    Posts: 6687

    Do it all the time with fish up to 70 lbs.

    Put fish in net. Hook scale to netting. Lift.
    Subtract weight of net.

    I’ve had a fish sling for over 10 years. Used it once. Net way easier, and faster.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22387

    Do it all the time with fish up to 70 lbs.

    Put fish in net. Hook scale to netting. Lift.
    Subtract weight of net.

    I’ve had a fish sling for over 10 years. Used it once. Net way easier, and faster.

    This is how we weigh our bigger fish as well.

    eldora, iowa
    Posts: 430


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