Pike leaders on tip ups sure set hooks

  • Jordan Soerries
    Posts: 1

    Hi I’m new to the site and I’m a big fan of in depth outdoors. I just got some VMC sure set treble hooks and made my own leaders wanted to get some opinions on if people think they will work well and if the sure set hooks really do help hook more fish.

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    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    I’m a big fan. Headed for LOTW end of the month so I ordered up a bunch, probably for a lifetime and got some leader material to make some quick strike rigs. I only had 6 & 8 hooks but found 2 & 4 also. Maybe a project for this weekend.

    Posts: 147

    I haven’t given the sure sets enough time to speak on them but the rig itself certainly will work. I have dozens made up – different size trebles, single hooks, just beads, beads plus spinners, different size and color spinners, wire, fluoro, etc.

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