Pike Lake Chain

  • Justin riegel
    Posts: 974

    The wife and I had a trip planned for Vegas June 11th through 14th, but we had cancel that. So instead we booked a cab on Pike lake just west of Minocqua. Can anyone tell me if the fishing is decent on Pike or ROund which is connected to. I have done some looking at Ariels and navionics. They look to be shallow and stained I am assuming weed edges are key? Any tips or advice would be great. I will have to stop in to Kurt’s bait when we go and maybe get some pointers from them?

    Thanks guys

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1737


    I have never really fished that chain very much… I have been on it to musky fish and that was many years ago. I know that there are quite a few cribs in it on the western side of round, but fishing skies, we primarily fished shoreline edges.

    You are correct in checking with Kurt at Island Bait, then I would make contact with John Carlson at Ross’s Sport Shop as well in Phillips. Most or more traffic I think comes from the 13 corridor. Even after my brother bought a place west of Minocqua, we really have never been much west of Squaw Lake when not fishing his.

    bigpike may chime in as he lives jsut south of Pike/Round.


    Justin riegel
    Posts: 974


    Thanks for the advice, I will stop in bait shops and see what they have to say. I have no expectations on the fishing, it will be nice to just get away and motor over to restaurant.

    Posts: 6259

    Justin, I sled up there often but dont fish it. It looks like great water and Moose Jaw and Musky Jack’s are two great resort bars to hit while your there. Both have great food and the $2 burgers on Monday at Moose Jaw are 2nd to none. The Northernaire is a real old school bar if you like those kind for a beer. Good luck.

    Posts: 2845

    Justin i have spent a little time on the chain.I have a buddy who had a place at Moosejaw.
    I will tell you it can be tough finding the fish on the chain.I mostly fish bass and panfish can’t help with walleyes.I would fish the west side of Round for smallies or the rock piles\humps on Pike.
    If your looking for pannies the channel going up into Amik Lake usually has fish in it.I never went into Turner much but my buddy would fish it some and get some panfish there also.
    I would think that week your there should still have fish shallow.I forgot the channel and Amik can be good for LMBass.
    Almost forgot Northernaire has a damn good brekfast they are a little odd but good food.

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