Well I was born in 1959, so how old does that make me. I forget, you can figure that out.
I suppose I have only been here a year and a half or so. Came here after the great LSF meltdown and cannot even remember how I came across this site. Perhaps a flyer handed to me in an airport or shopping mall.
I get my fishing info from myself which is not going out fishing enough, finding spots when I do get out that are devoid of fish, and employing techniques that cannot catch what is not there or worse yet cannot catch what is there. I am and will always be the “student”. Facebook is fine for what it is but would not take much advice from that world. Too much clutter and worse…profanity laced posts from sorts that are still in their 6th year of high school and can’t count how many beers they had before posting something. Some of what I see is Neanderthal. I picture the Geico caveman. Whatever?
The only problem I find with this site is that I find this site too trustworthy. There is way too much good and genuine advice. That and there is too much respect. It would be so much more dramatic if we could ridicule, bash, demoralize each other like on other forums or FB. Where is JD Winston now?