Well, it took a bunch of searching, calling farms, and avoiding craigslist scams, but my neighbor and I finally found a pig last Saturday. Being suburbanites we needed a place where we could leave the farm with a gutted pig. It was a bit unclear how things would work, so we loaded up some guns, knives, gloves, etc, and headed out. There were about a dozen people there when we arrived for our time slot and we chatted with some other hunters who were also just winging it. THANKFULLY they shot and “stuck” the pig for us. It was crazy to see how the hands (or teenage kids) body checked and manhandled those huge pigs around, and I would have definitely not made a cut big and deep enough to properly bleed the pig.
Gutting it was pretty much the same as a deer, and was far easier with it hanging from a loader. Iced it on the way home, hung it with an old Walmart deer hanger I had (that almost broke), and let it hang/chill a few hours. We skinned it since we didn’t have stuff or knowledge to deal with the hair, and time wasn’t on our side. Honestly, if you know how to bone a deer you can figure out a pig good enough if the price is right. My neighbor was a chef so he also knew how to get and label other proper cuts I didn’t know about (shanks, shoulders, etc.).
We paid $105 for a 300lb pig. We didn’t weigh the end result, but I would guess we easily cleared 150lbs even with the fact there was likely waste because we weren’t sure about everything, didn’t do anything with the head, etc. Two hours driving, maybe 8hrs work/cleaning if you go slow and drink beer. With cheap gas, some ice, and a few rolls of vacuum bags we got the meat into the freezer for under $1/lb. Heck, the 20lbs of ground I got pretty much covered the cost compared to what I usually have to pay the butcher.
Definitely would recommend. Especially if it isn’t your regular deal, it is an experience/memory for Covid-19, and it is delicious meat.