Pick the Lake – Diving Suggestions?

  • Ben Brettingen
    Posts: 605

    I’m headed up to the Leech Lake area this weekend for a weekend at the cabin. I thought it would be interesting to hear about some scuba diving suggestions.

    You pick a lake within an hour of Hackensack, and a spot on the lake, I’ll head over there shoot some video and post it. Lakes with better water clarity would probably be preferable as the video will end up much better. It could be a rock pile you’ve always wanted to see, a certain break, weedline….send me down looking for fish!

    The same goes for the metro area. If there is a specific lake or spot you’d like to see some video shot on, send it my way!

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452


    If you have never been to Bad Medicine for diving it might be worth your time. Over the years I have seen many divers on this Lake. It is located just south and west of Itaska state park. It has multiple species but most guys fish it for rainbows. Very deep and clear. I don’t have a particular spot. THX

    PS: Should be right around an hour from Hackensack.

    Posts: 3696

    Ben, I really like Baby Lake with the combination of smallmouth, walleye and muskie. Mann Lake too (if you can get through the channel) and Woman is great. Great structure lakes, fairly clear and good variety..

    Ben Brettingen
    Posts: 605

    Great suggestions guys.

    I’ve fished on both lakes and they would be both great lakes to dive. I may have to go check out both lakes this weekend, keep the suggestions coming!

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956

    Keep the videos coming Ben. Haven’t had a day to myself for well over a month and just getting a few minutes to check out IDO is a major escape for me right now.

    Posts: 245

    We attempted to hit up Baby for our first dive but when we got down to 13′ it was difficult to see the bottom with out being a couple feet away. So we packed up and headed to another lake. I posted a couple videos in the diving video feed.

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793

    Portage Lake just off of Highway 2 about mile marker 145. Iowana Beach, talk to Brad or Wayne. Go there for two weeks each year and would love to see some underwater footage.

    Coon Rapids,MN
    Posts: 20

    Deer Lake by Deer River.
    There are 5 humps E.S.E. of the south east corner of Bear Island.
    Gin clear lake with big fish if you can find them!

    Ben Brettingen
    Posts: 605

    Both sound very interesting. It will be a couple weeks until I’m back up but I’ll try to give it a go.

    Posts: 245

    I’m thinking that someone needs to do a “pick a lake” up north to check out. Any ideas people? Need some thing with some decent visibility. If you have a certain spot you want some video from just point it out, I’m up for shooting some video and posting it so that you can see some structure underwater.

    Blue Crappie
    Posts: 13

    How about Kabekona Lake (not the bay attached to Leech Lake)? Very clear and deep in spots. No particular reef or bar, but fairly steep break lines from 10-20 fow.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Lake Belle Taine would be awesome! It’s very clear (Water Clarity (ft): 14.3 (12.5-16), either the bay just out from the landing or out on the main lake. Or Big Watab Lake by St. Joe.

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    Woman Lake is very clear, about 8.5′ for me this past weekend. Lots of structure, rock, bars, etc to look for!

    Zach Peterson
    Austin, Mn
    Posts: 295

    Ten Mile Lake. Just north of Hackensack. Very deep very clear

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