Phobias- 1 down, 1 to go.

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Carpenters Nature Center hosted the Masters of the Sky program this last weekend.

    We had a group of six going and met up with the Fabulous Sharon of Ido fame!

    The raptors were fantastic getting an up close and personal view. Yesterday, one hit me with it’s wing as it few by…I moved over a bit to get out of the flight paths.

    My second agenda (which was more important to me) was to ensure I was over my snake phobia and to ensure my granddaughter didn’t go through life like I did…panicking every time she spied a snake. Now don’t get me wrong, I have a healthy respect for any wild animal, but I really needed to get over my fear. With the help of Carpenter Nature Center, I do believe I’m cured.

    And I can’t tell you how much of a relief that is too me!

    Oh, the second phobia? That’s to eat sushi. I’m not in so big of a hurry to conquer that one. )

    1. EJ-and-Milk.jpg

    2. BK-spider.jpg

    3. BK-Milk-snake.jpg

    Posts: 24664

    The thought of eating Sushi makes me gag. You are not alone BK!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Here’s a couple owls that Sharon captured. Thanks for joining the party Sharon!

    I have to look for it again, but that Milk Snake (nicknamed Houdini) sure liked your back under your hoodie!!

    1. sharon-owl.jpg

    2. sharon-owl2.jpg

    tip of the mitten
    Posts: 412

    Yeah, im not letting a spider that big crawl on me anywhere, especially my head!

    Posts: 1040

    Sushi bad, Spam good?

    I’m just sayin…I think you could manage sushi.

    Maybe wash it down with some Hamms.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    I heard Tarantulas seek out a warm empty space to lay eggs….. whistling ….. crazy doah jester rotflol

    Try some Poke’ before Sushi.. both are excellent waytogo

    Posts: 4362

    The snake no problem. That big ass spider I would have left.

    Posts: 1296

    No snakes for this guy either. Rather have a gator take me under and naw on me. I can and will do without snakes. When I was a kid no issues had a boa in our class room we could hold and feed. Used to get spiders in on shipments of fruit back in the day at the grocery store they where giant and no issues with those but a snake I’d rather eat sushi and I hate sushi. )

    Posts: 24664

    Yikes BK you let that dang arachnid climb on you? Hard pass!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I used sanitizer afterward, does that help?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Anyone know this young lady?

    1. Sharon-Milk.jpg

    2. Sharon-Hognose.jpg

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    The owl is pretty cool. The snakes and spiders…not so much.

    Hard pass on sushi here too

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    I opportunistically ate sushi a few weeks ago. I’ve never, ever had a desire to try it, but we were on vacation and went on a sunset cruise with hors d’oeurves and some raw salmon wrapped in some vegetable and rice was one of the very few things they had, and I was hungry and it was part of the expense so I ate some. Didn’t get sick, but it wasn’t the most exciting thing to eat, so not something I’ll be trying to eat again.

    And yeah snakes….they can all die. I understand they really do play a role in the food chain…let’s find something else. It’s not fair that they can move the way they do. I’ve been startled by more curved vegetation stalks or sticks than I care to admit…

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    I would not say I have a Phobia of snakes, But I’m no fan of them. As far as the Sushi goes, you don’t know what your missing. Anyone who eats Spam and drinks Hamm’s beer has nothing to fear from Sushi. Sushi is a delicacy. Spam is dog food, and a low grade one at that grin

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    That was SO much fun! I can’t wait to visit again and hold more critters! I’ve been a bug enthusiast since I can remember and I think my love for bugs has helped me avoid developing any phobias of animals. I love them all!
    The birds were amazing and so beautiful to see up close lie that! And the critters were adorable, especially that chubby salamander! mrgreen

    Posts: 2918

    In Hawaii, they make sushi rolls with SPAM – there’s your gateway to getting over your second Phobia. And you should, Sushi is one of life’s absolute pleasures. You don’t have to feel bad about indulging, either.

    I don’t love snakes but wouldn’t say I have a phobia, as for spiders, a HARD, HARD PASS on that tarantula.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    In Hawaii, they make sushi rolls with SPAM – there’s your gateway to getting over your second Phobia.

    I think SPAM Sushi may also be a excellent way of getting over a Phobia of SPAM.

    Posts: 2918

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>ThunderLund78 wrote:</div>
    In Hawaii, they make sushi rolls with SPAM – there’s your gateway to getting over your second Phobia.

    I think SPAM Sushi may also be a excellent way of getting over a Phobia of SPAM.

    That’s a fantastic point, it works both ways! Fortunately for me, I love both SPAM and Sushi. It’s a great life.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    I joke a lot with SPAM eaters. The truth is I don’t mind eating it at all. I can’t say its something that I buy myself, but I have a buddy who’s wife makes it all the time when I’m visiting. She has found several different recipe’s to use it in and they are all good.

    Posts: 9227

    Sushi really taking a beating here. What’s not to like? It’s just rice, seafood, and vegies

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778


    Uncooked seafood. Sorta like those raw oysters in a half shell. Another hard pass here lol

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tswoboda wrote:</div>

    Uncooked seafood. Sorta like those raw oysters in a half shell. Another hard pass here lol

    Oh GAWD, raw oysters! I will sleep in a coffin of snake before I TRY to swallow one of them.

    Sharon tells me the coffin should be quite relaxing.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    That was SO much fun! I can’t wait to visit again and hold more critters! I’ve been a bug enthusiast since I can remember and I think my love for bugs has helped me avoid developing any phobias of animals. I love them all!
    The birds were amazing and so beautiful to see up close lie that! And the critters were adorable, especially that chubby salamander! mrgreen

    You were very much at home there. waytogo

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    Sushi really taking a beating here. What’s not to like? It’s just rice, seafood, and vegies

    I’m 100 % with you on this one. For some I think its more the thought of raw fish. For others I think its more of a texture thing. I know some people who can’t eat certain foods. It has nothing to do with the taste, its the texture.
    The only thing I don’t like about Sushi and Sashimi is the $. I have converted more than a few Non sushi eaters by starting out slowly with Veggie Sushi. Then move onto sushi with Imitation Crab, then onto some cooked seafood sushi. A few of them have graduated all the way to loving real sushi with uncooked seafood or fish.

    Posts: 9227

    Uncooked seafood.

    Smoked fish, fried fish, shrimp, crab, veggie are all sushi options with no raw fish.

    Kinda like being scared of steak because you don’t like the idea of rare steak.

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    Never had a problem with snakes. Hated spiders until I got a heavy dose of those big suckers up in the BWCA. Now I tolerate them, but still don’t relish the thought of them dropping out of lakeside brush and crawling up my arm.

    “SPAM”? Isn’t that drunk-speak for “Barf”

    As for sushi, I’ve heard too many horror stories of homemade sushi eaters ending up in the ER with tapeworms. NO THANK YOU!

    Posts: 3915

    Drag out the word sushi loudly and that is the sound I made puking my guts out after I got sick from it once, operative word, once.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    Smoked fish, fried fish, shrimp, crab, veggie are all sushi options with no raw fish.

    I’m fine with those. Its the uncooked seafood that bothers me. 95% of the sushi I see is raw fish.

    Its definitely the texture of the raw oysters. They’re like a slimy booger going down. Ick

    Ceviche is another seafood dish that is a big no no here.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Spam Musubi.. they sell it under the heat lamps on the counter at gas stations in Hawaii… much like hotdogs here. Spam & Rice wrapped in Seaweed.

    1. spam-musubi.jpg

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