It’s amazing what the mind can do!
I was in line for shots in second grade. The classmate ahead of me was having alcohol rubbed on his arm. I dropped out of line…so to speak. I stopped getting shots altogether because of vomiting and passing out.
Fast forward to the ’80’s. I became a registered EMT. 12 hour shift in what was then called the St Paul Ramsey emergency room. Infants getting stiches around their eye, one biker fell over backwards on a gallon wine bottle…LOT’s of stitches… never bothered me a bit.
Fast forward to having a stint put in my leg 10 or so years ago and I told the nurses “don’t tell me what your going to do unless it’s going to startle me”. After the stint was placed, a nurse started telling me about the two tubes going into the arteries in my groin. I repeated, “DON’T TELL ME ABOUT IT!”. Well she did anyway and that’s when I asked for something to get sick in.
I remember passing out in bed while getting sick. When I came back I was surrounded (when I say surrounded, I mean no more people could fit in the room) and a little voice in the back of the rooms saying…”do you know his heart rate is 30?” (beats per minute”)
All of this just because my brain heard something it didn’t like.
One tip I’ll give if you would like to try it. If your getting an Intra Muscle (IM) shot like tetanus, shingles, pneumonia ect. Ask them to give it to you in your calf. Most times you’ll never feel it, certainly can’t see it while laying on a bed. Depending on the experience of the person giving the shot, they might say they can’t give it to you in the leg. Well, maybe they feel uncomfortable, but a muscle is a muscle and it’s the only way I get my shots now.
First shingle and tetanus taken while getting the Coast Guard physical last week. Works great…for me.