Pheasant Hunting

  • CaptainMusky
    Posts: 24889

    Sounds like a good plan to get him on real birds regardless if that’s at a game farm or not. Certainly doesn’t help your or his confidence at all if you don’t even know if birds are there. At least at a game farm you KNOW there will be birds and then you can really gauge how he is doing.

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    Finally got Drake out to the game farm for a few birds yesterday. The good news is that he worked close for the most part, showed a ton of energy and enthusiasm, and has a great nose. The birds were marked so I knew where they were and I did not have to guide him at all. He was on them too quickly at times. First bird up I missed….. Second bird I winged which proved to be a good test as he followed her and got on her in the blink of an eye. Third and fourth birds he caught…. At least he retrieved them all for me.

    The bad news is that he is pretty aggressive which is good and bad but he chompped so hard he broke bones and destroyed most of the meat. I guess we have something to work on.

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    Nice Fella
    Posts: 461

    Just returned from NE SoDak where we saw good numbers of birds, and while we didn’t come close to limiting out, we had plenty of action. With all the beans and 90%+ of the corn picked we did have to get our feet wet on occasion to chase them up. Hunted over great Brittany and a French Brittany Spaniels, both worked very hard for us.
    Bonus: picked up some tips from the locals on what sounded like prime locations for perch/walleye early ice season! Hope to go back before Christmas and check that out too. What a great area!

    Posts: 5

    Made it to central SD this weekend, saw a fair amount of birds. Definitely down from last year. FD shot her first 2 pheasants. FDog did well. I couldn’t be happier with both. Memories Made..

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    Reef W
    Posts: 3179

    Hunted public lands in southwest MN this past weekend and got my limit 3 days in a row! The second day I got the second one at about 9:35 and then flushed 4 more finishing my walk around the lake. The third day 7 or 8 flew up as soon as I stepped out of my truck and I had two within 45 minutes of walking. My dog did a great job and found just about all of them.

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    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19011

    Nice. Makes me want to hunt MN again.

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