Pflueger president

  • Pitter patter
    Posts: 257

    What size pflueger president or Daiwa regal anyone recommend for Mississippi River walleye fishing, I’m in between the 25 and the 30 but worry the 25 too small? I know there’s a difference in sizes between manufacturers. Just oooking for some cheap reels

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    What rod is it going on? If it’s a lighter rod go with the 25

    Brainerd Mn
    Posts: 126

    I run half dozen size 25 presidents on medium light fast rods for walleye jig fishing, for me it’s a great combination, really like those reels. Have used them for quite a few years.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2284

    Like has been stated. 25 on a medium light. If you’re going with medium rod, the 30 might be a better fit.

    Pitter patter
    Posts: 257

    What rod is it going on? If it’s a lighter rod go with the 25

    couple cheap cabelas rods. 7 ft med/fast walleye prodigy and 6’6” med / extra fast walleye prodigy

    Posts: 1310

    Love president reels, on all my ice fishing rods and most open water rods.Actually was going to pick up a couple this week they are on sale and new rod to go with. I think 25 would work

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    The 25 will work just fine. It has 8 lb of max drag and the 30 has 10lb. But if the 30 balances out the rod better I would go with that.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    The 25 will work just fine. It has 8 lb of max drag and the 30 has 10lb. But if the 30 balances out the rod better I would go with that.

    Most of mine are 25’s. Like others have said look for balance first. I guess I’m just dumb, I never knew or thought about pounds of drag. Interesting

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    Normally not a big deal with light line. As a general rule, the proper drag setting for mono lines up to 20-pound-test is 20 percent of the breaking strength of the line. I normally use 6lb test so 8 lb of drag is more than I need. Just something to be aware of with different reels. The size of the reel doesn’t dictate the amount of drag it has. I have seen some 35 with only 8 lb of drag. That can still be plenty depending on your line and application.

    Posts: 1310

    Picked up a 25 last night on sale.

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1025

    I prefer the size 30. Mainly for the quicker line pickup/bigger spool. Some techniques it won’t matter but definitely noticeable. Cause of this I’ve switched most of my summer reels for a higher gear ratio. 6.2-1 vs the president 5.2-1. Still good of ice fishing though.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12734

    As far as the size goes. I’d put each the 25 and 30 on the rod you want to use it on and see what one it balances best on. Personally unless the 30 is to heavy for the rod I’d go with the 30. If you are looking for a alternative to the President, I’d look at the Daiwa Legalis. I use to be a huge fan of the President reels but since they made the change to production in China a few years ago the quality of them have fallen way off. I have 20+ year old presidents that I’m still using and have had several newer ones go bad within just a few years. Got both a few Daiwa Legalis and Fuegos a few years ago now. Of the 2 I’d say the Legalis is the better reel and they are less $. Right now I feel the Legalis is the Best value reel out there. Just my .02 worth.

    Posts: 2071

    Okuma ceymar good reel, bout same price?

    Yes and better than pfluerger presidents . Size 30 though is more like a size 20-25 . It works for me on the river though .

    Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 216

    check out Scheels Guide series. Made by Daiwa and 20% off sale coming up. Very nice reels.

    Posts: 4550

    Anyone seen the new Pflueger Vice President?

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    Looks like they redesigned the president and the 2023 models are on sale at Scheels for $39.99, only the 25 and 30 sizes though.

    Pitter patter
    Posts: 257

    Size 30 be good for open water walleye, or 35 be better?

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