Pete Rose to be Pardoned

  • buckybadger
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    I’m all in favor of bringing roids back. That was without a doubt, the greatest era of baseball there has ever been. It’s their body that takes the abuse. If they don’t care, I sure don’t either. I haven’t watched a MLB game in years because of how incredibly unwatchable it has become. I didn’t miss a game when the homerun races were going on.

    I am not a “baseball is dying” person, but it’s now not even attempting to keep up with the market that the NBA, College Basketball, College Football, or the NFL have in front of viewers.

    3 times the number of people watched the 1980 World Series as did the 2024 World Series……..AND there are 115 million more people in the US today than there was in 1980. Woof

    Get the game moving even faster yet, shorten the season to not compete so much with football, and let the “performance enhancing” rules go by the wayside.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    How much time do you think Trump has spent on this ? Really ? Do you think its even more than 10 minutes, someone asked him a question and he answered ? Your that naive ? Rose never bet on his team to lose… what manager would… a crooked one.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    How much time do you think Trump has spent on this ? Really ? Do you think its even more than 10 minutes, someone asked him a question and he answered ? Your that naive ? Rose never bet on his team to lose… what manager would… a crooked one.

    But how do we know if he was crooked or not.

    James Almquist
    Posts: 593

    The one thing for sure he was so full of himself and acted like a jerk like he did nothing wrong. Pissed a lot of people off and did not make many friends with his actions. Got what he deserved and needs no pardon.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    We will never know if he was crooked as a manager, in my opinion, he should be in the HOF because of what he did as a player, not necessarily as a manager. He is no Lasorda.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    I agree he’s an all time play-hard, hustle player across all sports.

    As far as betting goes, no he did not bet on his team to lose. He also didn’t bet on his team to win EVERY game…. which could mean as much as betting on them to lose…

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17377

    To those in favor of letting the steriod users into the Hall Of Fame.

    Tonight at the dinner table, look each one of your kids in the eye and tell them they need to get a scholarship for college. Cheating is ok, just get that scholarship. Have somebody write your papers for you, get that scholarship. Don’t let integrity, honesty or fair play enter your head. Get that scholarship. If Johnny or Suzie down the street cheats it’s ok for you to cheat. Get that scholarship. Don’t worry what friends or family will think of you, get that scholarship.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    If I was a family member of Pete Rose and they said they were going to now allow him to be voted into the HOF, I’d tell them to go to hell. What he did as a coach or who he was personally has nothing to do with the player he was on the field. His #’s more than speak for themself. He not being considered for the HOF based on his coaching career, its his playing career and nothing else changes that.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17377

    He’s not being considered for anything…………he was a gambler & liar and to top it off a cheater.

    He made his bed and now he can lie in it for eternity.

    Posts: 12780

    To those in favor of letting the steriod users into the Hall Of Fame.

    Tonight at the dinner table, look each one of your kids in the eye and tell them they need to get a scholarship for college. Cheating is ok, just get that scholarship. Have somebody write your papers for you, get that scholarship. Don’t let integrity, honesty or fair play enter your head. Get that scholarship. If Johnny or Suzie down the street cheats it’s ok for you to cheat. Get that scholarship. Don’t worry what friends or family will think of you, get that scholarship.

    Steroids were not illegal in baseball until 1991 and not tested until 10 years later. PED’s have been around since before 1900. Pud Gavin was celebrated for using PED’s as early as 1889. People actually praised him for doing so. Oh in the HOF too.
    There are a lot of terrible humans in every HOF. What Pete Rose and Barry Bonds did is peanuts next to the likes of Ty Cobb, Charles Comiskey, Roger Hornsby and a slew of others.

    Hey son if you try and find an edge in a sport by taking performance enhancing chemicals you are terrible human, but if you choke a women pay your team to throw a World Series or be a member of the KKK you may still be a HOFer.

    Again a lot of folks in the HOF from every sport that I don’t wish my son to idolize.

    It is funny to me that a bunch of baseball nerds that probably can’t swing a bat get to be the judge and jury. Either your stats get you in or you kick out all the other terrible people.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    He’s not being considered for anything…………he was a gambler & liar and to top it off a cheater.

    He made his bed and now he can lie in it for eternity.

    So the big question… was he any good at baseball ? tongue I hope my whole life’s work is not judged by a few crappy years. coffee

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    I don’t really care about the HOF whatsoever. The system of voting is stupid at best when you truly look at who votes.

    My comments are directed towards today’s game and the lower viewership. Don’t try to prevent performance enhancing whatever. It’d probably create a more level playing field than ever before and waste far fewer resources with the testing.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17377

    Good to know those supporting the steriod guys also were in lockstep with the Patriots with all their allegations.

    Posts: 4362

    I think to level the playing field teams with cheap ass owners should be allowed to use PED’s. Lets go Twins.

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