I’m all in favor of bringing roids back. That was without a doubt, the greatest era of baseball there has ever been. It’s their body that takes the abuse. If they don’t care, I sure don’t either. I haven’t watched a MLB game in years because of how incredibly unwatchable it has become. I didn’t miss a game when the homerun races were going on.
I am not a “baseball is dying” person, but it’s now not even attempting to keep up with the market that the NBA, College Basketball, College Football, or the NFL have in front of viewers.
3 times the number of people watched the 1980 World Series as did the 2024 World Series……..AND there are 115 million more people in the US today than there was in 1980. Woof
Get the game moving even faster yet, shorten the season to not compete so much with football, and let the “performance enhancing” rules go by the wayside.