Pete Rose to be Pardoned

  • Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    Rose was a bit before my time but everyone I talk to says he was the best player they ever saw. I think it’s a shame he can’t be in the hall. I don’t think this pseudo pardon will get him in the hall or what it means but it seems to me he’s paid his penance.

    One reason I’ve heard for him to be inducted is that on the field, he never cheated the game. He played hard and to win at all times. It’s a shame that he has now passed and if they do lift his ban and vote him in, he won’t be here to savor the moment.

    I know they are some baseball guys on here. I’m sure you have opinions on Rose.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1601

    Rose was a helluva player but knew the risks. He may get pardoned by the President but won’t get reinstated by MLB. Pretty stupid on his part, MLB is hypocritical since they’ve jumped in bed with casinos and online sports books.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4404

    And what about the cheater steroid users. How many game outcomes were changed because of those players??

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    And what about the cheater steroid users. How many game outcomes were changed because of those players??

    I think this is valid. I did a bit of looking and none of the steroid users that were proven have made the hall yet. Some that were suspected have been voted in though.

    Baseball, even though I love it, is the most hypocritical sport out there.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1601

    And what about the cheater steroid users. How many game outcomes were changed because of those players??

    By and large they’ve been excluded from the HoF.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6162

    MLB is hypocritical since they’ve jumped in bed with casinos and online sports books.

    x2 !


    Posts: 219

    WTH can Trump pardon him for? He isn’t on the board of the baseball hall of fame. Even the commissioner can’t pardon him.

    Seems right up Trumps alley to idolize someone who broke the rules. Not surprising from someone who thinks Putin is a good guy.

    What a joke and waste of time. Let’s focus on the real issues facing our country because there’s a lot of them.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    WTH can Trump pardon him for? He isn’t on the board of the baseball hall of fame. Even the commissioner can’t pardon him.

    Seems right up Trumps alley to idolize someone who broke the rules. Not surprising from someone who thinks Putin is a good guy.

    What a joke and waste of time. Let’s focus on the real issues facing our country because there’s a lot of them.

    I was hoping to stay focused on Rose and if people think he should be in the hall versus turning this political.

    Posts: 258

    Important stuff…. Rise bet on baseball, period. He accepted the ban from Commissioner Gianatti. Too bad, he was a great player.
    Is the presidential pardon needed after he death?
    I guess I’d rather see my egg prices go down.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1948

    There’s a lot of good and bad about Rose. He is the All Time hits leader in MLB. That alone should put him in the hall.

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 954

    Trump can pardon him for his income tax conviction, but it has nothing to do with his lifetime ban from MLB or the HOF.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    Trump can pardon him for his income tax conviction, but it has nothing to do with his lifetime ban from MLB or the HOF.

    Agreed but it doesn’t really matter since he’s dead. I’m hoping this opens the conversation back up about removing the lifetime ban. I don’t anything will change but my opinion is he should be back on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17577

    He should NEVER be allowed anywhere near the HOF. Don’t let the “he never bet when he was playing” sway you. He was a gambler, a gambler gambles. Various commisioners it was reported offered him a deal if he would come clean. He never would. They have him dead to rights betting when he managed.

    He was a great hitter who made his name by hustling on every play but he also ended the career of Ray Fosse when Rose steamrolled him in a meaningless all star game.

    If you ever listen to any interviews after he was banned you would understand the only thing bigger than his hit total was his ego, which ulimately did him in.

    The steriod guys are another discussion with the same results.

    BTW, the HOF is a seperate governing body from MLB. Trump, Manfred and God himself could be in favor of letting him in but their votes count as much as yours and mine.

    chippewa falls
    Posts: 74

    Glad he has time for this after his embarrassing actions the other day with Zelensky. smh

    Posts: 1726

    TDS will keep him out of the HOF regardless of any facts or truths. If the Biden crime family had supported him, facts and truths couldn’t have kept him out of the HOF.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9139

    People who gamble don’t “make a few bets.” If you think Rose only bet on the specific instances of baseball that he admitted to or is being accused of, you’ve never been around a real gambling addict.

    I always felt like the “lifetime ban” was the easy way to shut the door on it and not have to dig deeper trying to prove what was going on, for fear of likely uncovering much much more.

    Trump – find something more important to worry about. You’re the POTUS

    Posts: 124

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Johnny wrote:</div>
    WTH can Trump pardon him for? He isn’t on the board of the baseball hall of fame. Even the commissioner can’t pardon him.

    Seems right up Trumps alley to idolize someone who broke the rules. Not surprising from someone who thinks Putin is a good guy.

    What a joke and waste of time. Let’s focus on the real issues facing our country because there’s a lot of them.

    I was hoping to stay focused on Rose and if people think he should be in the hall versus turning this political.

    You thought a post about the president pardoning someone he can’t actually pardon wouldn’t be political? Haha Do you live under a rock?

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 270

    March 1, 2025 at 11:51 am#2320907
    WTH can Trump pardon him for? He isn’t on the board of the baseball hall of fame. Even the commissioner can’t pardon him.
    Seems right up Trumps alley to idolize someone who broke the rules. Not surprising from someone who thinks Putin is a good guy.

    What a joke and waste of time. Let’s focus on the real issues facing our country because there’s a lot of them.

    I don’t believe I’ve ever read anything that you have posted on this site that was on a positive note!!! If Matt wants to start a thread about Charlie Hustle that’s his right!! This site is a good distraction for many of us from what IS going on in this world. Doesn’t mean we don’t care! Should we stop talking about fishing too??

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    Pete Rose isn’t in the HoF because even before his gambling on baseball was exposed, he was known as the biggest jackass in all of baseball. Which is saying something.

    He was absolutely unapologetic when he was caught and he remained that way, thinking that his fans would somehow force the commissioner to give in. That was never going to happen. Rose made MLB actually benefit from keeping him out of the HoF because his crying about the injustice of living with the consequences of his own actions served as a warning to the whole league for decades.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    Pete Rose isn’t in the HoF because even before his gambling on baseball was exposed, he was known as the biggest jackass in all of baseball. Which is saying something.

    He was absolutely unapologetic when he was caught and he remained that way, thinking that his fans would somehow force the commissioner to give in. That was never going to happen. Rose made MLB actually benefit from keeping him out of the HoF because his crying about the injustice of living with the consequences of his own actions served as a warning to the whole league for decades.

    From what I’ve heard and read, he didn’t make many friends on or off the field.

    It sounds like the only saving grace that Rose had was he was an absolute competitor in between the lines.

    I’ll be interested to see if MLB reinstates him. If they do, my guess is he’ll be voted in.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    Keep him out.
    The steroid boys – out
    The wife/girlfriend /drug abuser/gambleholics/murderers out.
    If pro sports had any class they would deal harshly and quickly with this. The Astros cheating scandal?! What a joke. Take the team, fire everyone, fine the owner eleventy billion but SEND A MESSAGE
    Rose included – most of these guys are good humans – many are not. By the grace of god they can throw or catch or jump. Understand how lucky you are and be grateful

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1291

    Was it a lifetime ban?


    Was it a history of MLB ban?

    Life is over…

    IN………….. no question about it.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1528

    The HOF is a museum for the history of the sport and Rose should be part of that history with his story. He’s a hall of fame player, no question. Just like the roid era, Bonds, McGwire, ARod, etc put them in but tell their stories. Can’t just ignore an era of a sport.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    The HOF is a museum for the history of the sport and Rose should be part of that history with his story. He’s a hall of fame player, no question. Just like the roid era, Bonds, McGwire, ARod, etc put them in but tell their stories. Can’t just ignore an era of a sport.

    This is another hypocritical part of MLB. Rose has a section in the hall where it celebrates his hits record but he’s can’t be voted in.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1528

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>weedis wrote:</div>
    The HOF is a museum for the history of the sport and Rose should be part of that history with his story. He’s a hall of fame player, no question. Just like the roid era, Bonds, McGwire, ARod, etc put them in but tell their stories. Can’t just ignore an era of a sport.

    This is another hypocritical part of MLB. Rose has a section in the hall where it celebrates his hits record but he’s can’t be voted in.

    I did not know that but yes very hypocritical!

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12693

    The HOF is a museum for the history of the sport and Rose should be part of that history with his story. He’s a hall of fame player, no question. Just like the roid era, Bonds, McGwire, ARod, etc put them in but tell their stories. Can’t just ignore an era of a sport.

    Exactly. The steroid one is the most hypocritical as that era saved the game, the league totally looked the other way on the issue until they couldn’t anymore, as did all these pompous Baseball Writers of America nerds that love having the power of gatekeeping the HOF. HOF is for the best players of each era, regardless of cheating, gambling, womanizing, drinking, drugs, etc. etc. Tell the stories.

    Posts: 261

    I’m all in favor of bringing roids back. That was without a doubt, the greatest era of baseball there has ever been. It’s their body that takes the abuse. If they don’t care, I sure don’t either. I haven’t watched a MLB game in years because of how incredibly unwatchable it has become. I didn’t miss a game when the homerun races were going on.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    I’d be happy if the MLB would get their TV rights in order. Trying to watch the Twins is impossible. I don’t even know what network they are on.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9139

    I’d be happy if the MLB would get their TV rights in order. Trying to watch the Twins is impossible. I don’t even know what network they are on.

    I’m a Brewers fan first and a Twins fan second (growing up in Western WI). I’ve completely punted on trying to watch Twins games. I can’t keep up with which defunct station/company will be handling the broadcasts each season. That system is beyond broken.

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