Personal Favor Please

  • Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6134

    So, here we are again. Election year. Middle of winter blues. Politics pretty much in the news every day now. Everyone has an opinion. Do we really want to come here to IDO and see what the Left or Right wingers thinks or try to change their minds? Most tell me no.

    As a Mod, I don’t like deleting or locking posts. I would prefer to let current event topics run their course. But these days they just turn to name calling and slinging insults. That is the line that can’t be crossed. Most don’t come here to read that stuff.

    Again, As a Mod, I don’t like deleting or locking posts. Neither does BK. Our 6 figure paychecks have not been showing up for a while! hah Just kidding there. But I think you all know what I mean.

    As a personal favor, can we try and not go political for the rest of the year? I mean really try? I think most know where a topic is headed before they post. Please just try to keep it IDO friendly. There are plenty of places on the internet to go a duke it out. I firmly believe most come here to get away from that BS.

    As always, PM me if you have questions. Also, I don’t read every single post. If one goes sideways, please shoot me a PM and I’ll take a look.

    Thanks in advance!

    -J. wave

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3211

    Thanks Jon. This should be stickied to the top. Seriously.

    Posts: 24664

    Most topics run their course and remain civil but there have been a few lately that seemed to almost get personal which I agree is not what we want.
    I do think it is good to talk about some of these current events however provided as you state they remain on track. Many people might not even be aware of what is going on without reading some of the posts here.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6134

    I do think it is good to talk about some of these current events however provided as you state they remain on track.

    Agree on this. Let just try hard to keep them from going off the rails!


    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    Thanks Jon. This should be stickied to the top. Seriously.

    I agree. And yes sir, thanks Jon

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Very few venturing out onto Mille Lacs the last few days… with this cold snap, maybe shore up the ice again !!!

    Ben K.
    Posts: 126

    Amen, Jon, and thank you.

    This is an outdoors site. Plenty of other places for people to post political things.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    How about Religion? wave

    Posts: 2918

    100% agree, I have my opinions but I make it a point NOT to personally contribute to those threads. However, I do end up reading a lot of them and the level of discourse they often reach is really unfortunate between otherwise like-minded people with similar interests and intentions.

    Thanks for this note, Jon

    Posts: 1822

    Maybe we could just narrow it down to politics related to outdoors? One of my favorite things about IDO is the lack of Mod intervention, saying that, if I see a bill that restricts using foothold traps for racoons or removes access to public waters, I would still like to post it and have conversations about it and I think its important to be aware of those things.

    OG Net_Man
    Posts: 865

    Most topics run their course and remain civil but there have been a few lately that seemed to almost get personal which I agree is not what we want.
    I do think it is good to talk about some of these current events however provided as you state they remain on track. Many people might not even be aware of what is going on without reading some of the posts here.

    This is my thoughts as well.

    2 out of the 3 threads recently closed were started by me which I had no intentions of any thing but a constructive conversation or awareness of a subject. I guess in a perfect world we could share opinions in a respectful conversation. I always prefer to delete a post from some one then can not play nice than the whole thread but I am not the person who makes up the rules.

    Thank you for your efforts Jon

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    doah I tried redirecting the one thread. But much like my wife, Noone listens to me! whistling rotflol

    Posts: 1040

    I salute your intent, Jon. To be honest, if there was a nifty filter on IDO that allowed me to filter out all the political BS I’d use it.

    I also really miss James and crew’s videos. Even more so this year since ice has been in short supply. I’ve been so stir crazy I’ve almost posted something political before I came to my senses. But I digress.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    But I hate commies! Oh, ok Ill do it. As a favor to you Jon.
    Until somebody begs for it….. jester

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6134

    2 out of the 3 threads recently closed were started by me which I had no intentions of any thing but a constructive conversation or awareness of a subject. I guess in a perfect world we could share opinions in a respectful conversation.

    No worries. But Immigration and Putin did not have any underlying outdoor related news. The current post about Mille Lacs Walleye limits is somewhat political, but is important info for outdoor related discussion. See the difference? IDO is not a perfect world. And moderating is not a perfect science.

    I always prefer to delete a post from some one then can not play nice than the whole thread but I am not the person who makes up the rules.

    Agree, but most times, there are subsequent replies that would also need to get deleted and by then the entire thread starts to come apart.


    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6134

    But I hate commies! Oh, ok Ill do it. As a favor to you Jon.
    Until somebody begs for it….. jester

    Thanks, Mike !


    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1896

    I enjoy the political banter and think as long as it doesn’t become personal attacks and insults it should be allowed. It’s fun seeing where people stand. This place would be way quieter without those controversial threads. If you don’t like them, simply choose to not read them. Let us discuss what we choose to discuss and deal with problem members on a situational basis.
    If that’s not possible, I see myself checking in less often in the future.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6003

    Totally agree,but can we talk about Taylor Swift?

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    I would crawl over broken glass to vote for Jon J moderator in chief

    OG Net_Man
    Posts: 865

    Since there was a question mark – Yes, the difference is a bit obvious. Now, if I had complained about you deleting my 2 post maybe your comment directed at me would have been warranted but thank you.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    Yeah I’ll be the first to admit I got a little fiesty after I posted My suggestion about current situations going on in the world. I’m sure this was at least directed somewhat to me and well warranted. I’ve been a member for like 18 years, and for some reason I let current affairs get under my skin and blasted out about it.

    I apologize to the IDO members and to “Ripjiggen” for my aggressive comments.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6134

    Terry, in any case, don’t take it personally.

    Some here wear it as a badge of honor and scratch a new notch on their workbench.


    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17389

    Totally agree,but can we talk about Taylor Swift?

    Yes as long as you don’t mention her left leg is longer then her right leg.

    Posts: 516

    I agree with Jon.

    Posts: 6687

    2 out of the 3 threads recently closed were started by me which I had no intentions of any thing but a constructive conversation or awareness of a subject.

    Of the hundreds I’ve started. Zero closed.
    Maybe talk about fishing jester

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    Exactly. Barotrauma, spearing, 2 lines, Mille Lacs regs, PFD requirements, panfish limits, there are plenty of non-controversial fishing topics to discuss devil

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