Permanent Dock Blog

  • B-man
    Posts: 6667

    That sucks EPG. Wind and ice are an incredibly powerful thing.

    If your hill is steep enough, maybe look into a floating dock that tips up and out of the water?

    Posts: 5126

    Ugggh….that sucks!

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4373

    That’s too bad EPG. A man’s work is never done.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13010

    Big time bummer EPG! :doah

    Is there enough corona though???

    Posts: 1671

    Damn that sucks EPG. Let me know if you need help. I ain’t much on swinging a hammer. But I can drink beer and watch and critique.

    Posts: 2862

    That sucks EP.Sorry for your loss.
    I’d be willing to help out along with Drifter.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4018

    That sucks. How are you thinking of getting it back into position?

    Posts: 24827

    EPG that is a PITA sorry that happened looked like a great dock. Question because I dont want to go back through the beginning of this thread, but had you thought about building a system where you could raise the dock out of the water? Not sure how well that would hold up with wind, but I see a lot of them on lakes with steep shorelines like that.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11098

    Thanks guys.
    I am heading up tomorrow to see if I can determine the weak link (other than my thought process).
    I’m pretty sure it was a wind driven sheet of ice everything on the deck had all the covers blown off, even the top of the bird feeder is missing.
    I’ll post pics and give my assessment tomorrow afternoon unless I end up drowning my sorrows in Coronas.

    On a happy note, it looks like we are ice free.

    1. Screenshot_20210405-170409_abode.jpg

    Posts: 1174

    Think about all of the new engineering challenges ahead of you. How to lift out the posts you spends so much time driving in, etc. Blocks on the bottom with a farm jack on top?

    Ugh. Bad deal but not surprising with the wind we just had. I’m sure you wish you had done a few things differently, so now’s your chance to make it right.

    Posts: 0

    Ouch!!!! Hope it goes well for you, that stinks.

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    I am a huge fan of your dock. You did an incredibly nice job and am sorry that this happened to it. I hope it is an easy fix. But if it is not, this might be something to consider.

    Lift Up & Lift Up Step Docks

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Bummer. Hope you can figure it out for next winter.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11098

    Well, after getting a good look and talking to the Locals the dock didn’t have a chance against the wind driven ice sheet. I figured the wind was howling when every cover was off the items on the deck. 2 grills, a fireplace, patio furniture and the top of the bird feeder.

    1. Dock-2-scaled.jpg

    2. Dock-1-scaled.jpg

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11098

    My plan is to get an inflatable to raise it out of the soup, then add dock floats and secure it with screw in dock posts for the summer.

    Still looking at the drawing board for what’s next.

    1. Dock-4-scaled.jpg

    2. Dock-3-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 19654

    With your hill, you could easily install a shore hinge system and use an anchored winch up the hill and simply crank a steel or aluminum dock frame 3-6’ above the ice in the winter…

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13010

    wow what a mess……..good luck however ya do it!!!!!!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11098

    With your hill, you could easily install a shore hinge system and use an anchored winch up the hill and simply crank a steel or aluminum dock frame 3-6’ above the ice in the winter…

    Most definitely on the radar.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    a cantilever dock…

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Or pull up the dock legs and let her float on anchor for winter if you find decent floats.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11098

    Or pull up the dock legs and let her float on anchor for winter if you find decent floats.

    That’s the one that’s spinning in my head at the moment. Gotta do some research on floats, it looks like there are quite a few out there and everyone claims to have the “best”.

    Posts: 946

    It looks like the decking is still good shape. So maybe not a 100% loss.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11098

    It looks like the decking is still good shape. So maybe not a 100% loss.

    Decking is in decent shape. It’s the one thing that held up well.
    2 x 10’s diagonally fastened with 3″ Headloks

    Adam Steffes
    Posts: 439

    You could just make a solid concrete structure…ice sheet wouldn’t stand a chance.

    Posts: 1174

    Did the posts snap off or just shift? Will you have to get those all out too or just leave them?

    Posts: 13006

    You could just make a solid concrete structure…ice sheet wouldn’t stand a chance.

    May want to check with DNR on that idea before acting.

    Posts: 13006

    Serious question. How many Coronas does your tram/trolly hold.

    I honestly don’t see how you won’t have issues over the years if you don’t have removable post. In one picture it looks like the post snap in half vertically. That’s some serious strength. I think a cantilever set up where you raise it out of the water is your best option, but just one knuckle heads opinion.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11098

    The locals say the ice sheet was a runaway freight train.
    I’m scratching my melon but I’m thinking I’ll try a floater next.

    Tram holds a “yeti 110 ice down with some silver bullets” lol

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