Pepin 7/10

  • shockers
    Posts: 1040

    Made it out on Pepin (launched out of Hoksila) Thursday afternoon. Water continues to come down, so that’s good. Appears to be clearer too, also good. No issues with debris in the water etc., other than one giant tree that was floating downstream.

    The lot was pretty full, so appears guys are getting back out.

    I tried cranks for awhile and had no luck. Switched over to bottom bouncer and crawlers on spinner rig. Caught 5 nice eater sized eyes (15 to 18 inch), mostly shallow. I’d say about 6 feet. Also caught many smaller eyes (no sauger at all), over eager sheeps head, and a random perch and bluegill.

    Though we could get some rain next couple days, doesn’t appear it will have a big impact. Hope not anyway. Look like a big cool down next week. Maybe that will keep all those damn gnats away. Ugh. They were pretty bad.

    Good luck guys.

    Posts: 61

    Thanks for the update. Did you stay pretty much in the Hoksila area along side the road?
    On Wednesday night I got out around 5:00pm. Didn’t see many boats. Left the lake City Marina and headed across to Deer Island area, not a boat in sight so I wondered if I was even in an area that had fish. I started pulling Lindy Rigs with crawlers in about 12′. The first fish I got a approx 11″ crappie. Weird right?
    I didn’t do very well that night. I caught 4 saugers about 11-12″ long and 1 sauger about 18″ I moved in and out from 11 feet down to 16 feet. I marked a lot of fish and would have thought that they would bite.
    Kept my speed about 1/2 mile an hour and slower but not too many bites for 3 hours of fishing.

    Ron S
    Posts: 79

    Thanks Shockers.

    The naghts were bad my last trip and I really hate inhaling them. I had some good incoming wind and marked a few but no biters. I worked 1.5 to 2.75 mph but nothing hit.

    Posts: 1040

    I fished all on the MN side; primarily the stretch between Lake City Marina and Hoksila landing. It wasn’t on fire by any means. I launched about 1 p.m. and left at around 7. Most of the nicer fish seemed to come around 2 or 3 p.m. I don’t think I had any action after 4 p.m.

    In terms of speed, about .5 to 1 mph.

    In terms of depth, 6 to 8 feet worked best for me. I did get some bites – and a sheephead or two – deeper, but no eyes at all deeper than 8 feet for me.

    I don’t know if it made much difference, but I was switching blade colors and eventually seemed like pink was best for me.

    A buddy of mine was fishing the same time over near Maiden Rock. He said he was fishing with jig and crawler and had nothing but small walleye etc., and not much luck overall.

    Not sure how all the fronts etc. coming through next day or two will affect Pepin. Been real tough getting decent conditions this year as I”m sure you’re aware.

    Oh, and not sure if anyone else had tried this, but…the gnats frickin love me. And if it’s not windy, swarm me on the boat. I’ve been using netting that fits over my hat last couple times out and it makes a huge difference keeping the bugs away. I look like a goofball, but whatever. I set a pretty low bar anyway.

    Good luck.

    Posts: 61

    I got gas at the Marina in Lake City on Wednesday night and the kid there told me that guys had been getting fishing “just around the point”. But I didn’t try it even though I did see a couple of boats there. I may try that area tomorrow morning and if nothing then I am going to try down at Maple Springs.
    Speaking of nats, those things were relentless the other night. I may have to try your idea of bringing a headnet.

    Posts: 152

    Thanks for the report. I was out on Pepin yesterday as well. I was driving a blue/white Alumacraft with a brown boxer holding court at the front of the boat. He got a little hot. I launched out of Hok-Si-La too. There were a lot of rigs there for a Thursday. It was a beautiful day though. The water was in good shape and had dropped fast.

    I didn’t end up trolling at all. I also only caught one walleye (coincidence?) I jigged on points all day and had steady action for most of the day so I just kept doing it. I hooked into a lot of nice-size white bass, plenty of sheepshead, the walleye (20inches), and a huge carp – it probably ran 10+ pounds.

    It was a nice day on the water. When you run bottom-bouncers, how long a leader do you normally run with spinners? I just can’t get the bottom-bouncing thing down and I have no confidence in it so I don’t do it.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I picked up a report from a reliable source this morning that the can line is holding fish. When I asked if they were using stix, he said rigging is what they were using.

    I would >think< bay city flats would have fish as well since the fish think it’s still spring. )

    Posts: 61

    I will usually run about a 3-4′ leader, but I have to go a little faster than when I am pulling lindy rigs or else I end up with my bait dragging because the blades won’t spin fast enough to keep it off the bottom. I like the ease of dropping down a bottom bouncer and putting it in the rod holder simply as another bait in the water. However with me it’s either feast or famine. some days I will have to keep dropping the rod in my hand because there “looks ” to be a bite on the spinner on the bottom bouncer, other days I drag that crawler all day without a sniff.
    I hate this rookie stuff and hope that some day I will begin to figure it out.

    Posts: 61

    I picked up a report from a reliable source this morning that the can line is holding fish. When I asked if they were using stix, he said rigging is what they were using.

    I would >think< bay city flats would have fish as well since the fish think it’s still spring. )

    Forgive my ignorance but some of us new guys have heard or read guys talking about the can line but would you explain what and where that area is please. I can say for myself anyway, that I really appreciate when guys like you post because I know (from what I have read anyway) that you know the river quite well.
    Thank You in advance

    Posts: 1040

    When live bait rigging, I normally use bottom bouncers and crawlers. Not cuz it’s the best approach, but I just like it. I grew up fishing bouncers and crawlers on Lake Sakakawea in N.D. and when I moved to MN figured I’d try it here. So far it works – though, yes, it is often feast or famine.

    In terms of the snell/leader length…about 3 to 4 feet. But don’t be afraid to try shorter – like 2 feet. With a shorter leader/snell I can troll shallower without snagging as much.

    Not really much to the bouncer set up to be honest. You can can buy prerigged spinners, though I tie my own now. I typically use a 3/4 to 1 oz bouncer and generally fish depths from 4 to 12 feet. I have a 7 foot rod (it’s a St. Croix medium, but almost any medium heavy rod will do. Yesterday I was catching them on my son’s 7 foot medium action Ugly Stik). I use braid as the main line (14lb Fireline). Some guy swear by certain leader type lines. I now use Seagur 15 pound flourocarbon Invisxx. But it doesn’t make much difference on the River I don’t think.

    Also, I typically troll slower than most do. Sometimes that works. Sometimes it doesn’t. Experiment with different speeds and see what works.

    Nice thing I”ve found with bouncer set up is when the fish are really light biters you can let them “play” with it for a bit and then do a slow sweep hook set so to speak. Similar to lindy rig set up.

    Bouncer bite, for me, usually shuts off in August it seems like. Though I caught my PB eye (28″) in August a couple years ago on a bouncer when everyone else was roaring around me yanking cranks. So who knows.

    As to the can line, I’ll let BK field that one. I’ve fished bouncers along the can line but it can be tricky when it’s busy etc. as it’s often a high-traffic area. But certainly a good spot to try when they’re biting.

    Posts: 152

    I hate this rookie stuff and hope that some day I will begin to figure it out.

    I think most of us will always be rookies. That is what keeps it fun.

    Posts: 152

    As to the can line, I’ll let BK field that one. I’ve fished bouncers along the can line but it can be tricky when it’s busy etc. as it’s often a high-traffic area. But certainly a good spot to try when they’re biting.

    There are fish all over the river and Pepin. I like that place. I like to try different things and see what I get. I always get something but that might account for the big carp. I could work a lot harder to look for “normal” spots where saugers and walleye “should” be around. However, most of the time, I like the multi-species approach with a greater focus on walleye and sauger. Works for me. Most of the time.

    Posts: 61

    It is fun, and I absolutely love the challenge and I cannot wait to get off work some nights and get my butt in the boat. But sure can urine me off driving back home after three hours on the water with only a couple of bites and then hop on a website and read that guys are killin em all over.
    Am I in the right spot?
    The right presentation?
    Going to fast or too slow?
    what’s more frustrating is when you do have a good day but don’t know why and can’t repeat it.
    This whole damn thing is ironically almost the same thing as being married.
    must be why I only catch small males. ( that sounded a little wrong didn’t it)

    Posts: 1040

    Oh, trust me, your experience is not unique. I’ve had plenty – and plenty this year – where all I’ve had to show for my effort is a bunch of gnat bites, a couple sheepshead, and a few tiny eyes. Made worse when you get back to the dock and hear of guys lighting it up, or see on IDO they are. But hey….it’s fishing. Still beats work. And you just gotta keep at it, and trying different spots and techniques. I’ve found guys here are very generous with tips and ideas.

    Posts: 803

    Don’t take advice from BK….He’s a catfisherperson still on the dark side.

    Chad Leonhardt
    Posts: 25

    Some buddies and I got the day off work Wednesday so we headed to hoksila. We fished all day along the MN side, focusing between the hoksila landing and the lake city marina. We trolled #5 cranks on lead in about 16fow and found a nice pod of fish willing to bite. Caught 7 nice eater walleyes 16-19″ some saugers and a bunch of shorts. Also a PB sheephead weighing in at 14 pounds. Bright colored cranks were best with purpledessent being the hot bait!

    1. image27.jpg

    2. image28.jpg

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 264

    Here is the Can Line.

    1. Can-Line.jpg

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