People still don't get it!!!!!

  • biggill
    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>biggill wrote:</div>
    The problem is that this is already happening. Christmas lake is now now closed to the public, and this happened regardless of the useless laws you support.

    If I were in the camp of anti AIS everything, Xmas lake is the last thing I’d want. Its ONE lake out of how many do we have here in MN that’s been shutdown, again one. It’s an experiment that they are going to try and do to eradicate the zeebs. After its miserable failure there will be plenty of ground to stand that some of the laws are useless, which some in the DNR might actually find a relief.

    I do know that other lake associations have taken note and are already pressing pretty hard for this.

    Their reasoning: Please close my public access until a cure is found. I don’t want zeebs in my lake.

    Tip if the iceberg my friend. BK predicted this a couple years ago and it has already begun. Any public access not owned by the DNR is at serious risk. County and city owned accesses are the most easily affected.

    Posts: 7348

    Their reasoning: Please close my public access until a cure is found. I don’t want zeebs in my lake.

    Good point.

    Posts: 6687

    wow what a read.

    This flat earther believes the REAL PROBLEM is not the regs or invasives themselves, but the perceived notion and constant reinforcement by influential outlets that they are bad.

    Sure I’ll concede they clog up intakes and become a nuisance to swimmers and structures that sit in the water a lot, but is all that worth the hubub?

    I don’t think so.

    Why is your proof they are bad better then my proof they aren’t?

    I couldn’t have said it better myself.


    Posts: 9309

    You give the locals one lake it will spread from there. You know every lake shore association is taking note. It will be a domino affect and we will start losing accesses across the state.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    One more thing.

    Since the round earth people agree that proper cleaning of trailered boats will slow the spread of AIS, than wouldn’t ramp incoming inspections or total shutdown of the public accesses be the ultimate defense to slow the spread?

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    One more thing.

    Since the round earth people agree that proper cleaning of trailered boats will slow the spread of AIS, than wouldn’t ramp incoming inspections or total shutdown of the public accesses be the ultimate defense to slow the spread?

    Hhhmmm…You may just be on to something here…That certainly would help the spread. Now we just have to figure out what to do with the turtles, ducks and the such. Time to call Mr Dayton to get his thoughts on this… -)

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    It would significantly deter the spread, but need to include all docks, any and all watercraft entering from anywhere (private access, yards, streams, carry in), also sea planes would need to be banned. So, this is your recommendation?

    The idea that we could be 100% effective is a myth. It seems like only the folks who want to criticize the laws use the 100% concept. Some even go so far as to construe that it is illegal to have a wet boat. No such law exists, the rules are about drain plugs, livewells and containers.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    And the reason behind the >wrong< plug law is??

    Leaving the plug out is not going slow (or speed up) the spread of ais.

    Someday a Governor will direct the legislature to get rid of all the pointless laws on the books. They might even call it the “un session”.

    That puppy will be the first to go.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Did I mention the fine for transporting water (after the inspectors said you’re boats good) is over $200.00??

    Plug or no plug.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The idea that we could be 100% effective is a myth. It seems like only the folks who want to criticize the laws use the 100% concept.

    I criticize the laws not because they can not be 100% effective, it’s because few if any can comply with them if their boat enters the water.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    I criticize the laws not because they can not be 100% effective, it’s because few if any can comply with them if their boat enters the water.

    Huh? Please specify what the heck your referring to. Can’t find the part about me breaking the law…and i quote…”IF THEIR BOAT ENTERS THE WATER…” I mean this in all seriousness. I want to learn. Maybe this “round-earth” believer can still be converted…

    Regulations on transport of water
    As of July 1, 2012, the following regulations apply to the transportation of water in boats and other water-related equipment by boaters from all waters in the state ($100 civil penalty or misdemeanor):
    A person leaving waters of the state must drain all water from water-related equipment, including bait containers, live wells, and bilges, by removing the drain plug before transporting the watercraft and equipment from the water access or riparian property;
    Drain plugs, bailers, valves, or other devices used to control the draining of water from ballast tanks, bilges, and live wells must be removed or opened while transporting watercraft and water-related equipment;
    Emergency response vehicles and equipment may be transported on a public road with the drain plug or other similar device replaced only after all water has been drained from the equipment upon leaving the water body.
    The following are exempt from this subdivision:
    portable bait containers used by licensed aquatic farms
    portable bait containers used when fishing through the ice, except on waters designated infested for viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS)
    marine sanitary systems.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Pull off the floor and get a sponge.

    Pulling out the plug is only one component of the law that was written for Zero water to be transported. Zero.

    I can go the weeds law too if you like.

    Damn I wish I was making some money on this thread! )

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Rooster, I think what BK is implying; is that in most situations it might not be possible to remove 100% of the water from a boat and even with the plug out – then a crazed Conservation Officer with absolutely no judgement, whose favorite novel is Les Miserables, could under nearly impossible standards still issue a tag. And you should be aware of this and work to overturn the law.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    It would significantly deter the spread, but need to include all docks, any and all watercraft entering from anywhere (private access, yards, streams, carry in), also sea planes would need to be banned. So, this is your recommendation?

    This is what we all want to prevent. My point being that even the most protected lake in this state got infected regardless of the laws you support. In an extremely short period of time.

    Now, we already agree the laws are ineffective, correct?

    You say because the laws aren’t being complied with, which I can partially agree with.

    We also agree that the purpose of these laws is to slow the spread. But what benefit is there to punish someone for not complying when the law is nearly impossible to comply with?

    I heard this straight from a CO’s mouth, “at least 90% of all boats pulled from the water are in violation of some AIS law.” He also explained that it wasn’t by choice, it is by design.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Not too far of Vern.

    Did I mention the fine for transporting water (after the inspectors said you’re boats good) is over $200.00??

    Plug or no plug.

    This happened to one of our own IDO members.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Nope, didn’t work Brain. Your sponge example is silly. I’ll stick with buzz and the rest of the round-earth people! The law enforcement people I know (CO’s and regular ole’ cops…) aren’t like the people that your speaking of. They have common sense. Sorry to hear you have a jerk down in your neck of the woods. Keep a nice supply of sponges would be my only advise I guess…

    Posts: 6687

    So your saying you don’t need to sponge out your boat up there because of the nice officers… Well I’m sorry, but that just means people are transporting lake water… Because that is what it takes to comply and more importantly prevent the spread of an invasive. I know of many boats that leak. Lots of their hulls hold water too, even with the tongue up and transom on the ground. It’s a fact and it’s a lot of boats… Maybe not your new rangers, but there are a lot of 20-30year old boats out there…

    It’s spreading folks.
    It’s not hurting the fisheries.

    It is hurting swimming… Well except for the entire rest of the lake where you milfoil haters fish)

    Zebs hurt peoples feet, so do broken beer bottles commonly found in swimming area, swimming shoes are a good idea anyway

    Zeebs clog industrial water intake, which use our public waters for free. Routine cleaning and a little preventative maintenance.

    Invasive hurt property value. Hang onto your properties folks. It’s already common to have a lake with invasive and soon that will be entirely the norm. Your value will go up. Buy your neighbors lot while they run from the lake weeds.

    Each year more and more lake get invasive giving them more and more opportunity to travel. Won’t be long and it’ll be everywhere. Even with 90%+ compliance of visually cleaning your boat statistically it’s still going to spread at an increasing rate.

    Have a coffee. The stuff is going to be here a while.

    A smart man once told me “It is, what YOU make it”

    Want to hate everything about invasives… You will and it’ll bother you constantly… Want to enjoy a day on the water… Learn to accept what you cannot control and have fun with it.

    Invasives have brought different, but good things to many lakes.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I was thinking this same thing. I’d rather own property on a lake already with milfoil and zeebs.

    Invasive hurt property value. Hang onto your properties folks. It’s already common to have a lake with invasive and soon that will be entirely the norm. Your value will go up. Buy your neighbors lot while they run from the lake weeds.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Zebs hurt peoples feet, so do broken beer bottles commonly found in swimming area, swimming shoes are a good idea anyway

    And littering is illegal too…

    I just hope some of the lakes in northern Minnesota are immune to most of the AIS. Doesn’t sound like most care to slow the spread at any cost. One day it would be nice to come back to a few lakes that look like they did before I left.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Don’t worry. From approach at 30,000 feet they will look the same. From the ground the lake associations will have you locked out anyway.

    Posts: 6687

    I care.

    I also can’t convince myself any of this is working while it isn’t.

    Littering, yeah it’s illegal… Ever been on a lake late ice? I bring a trash bag to pick up other people’s garbage. Littering is illegal… Still find litter.

    Posts: 7348

    – then a crazed Conservation Officer with absolutely no judgement, whose favorite novel is Les Miserables,

    This conversation and that book…..interesting.

    Concerning ourselves with water and weeds on a boat, damn life’s good, continue……

    1. images-11.jpg

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    FBRM…Your views are skewed. Fight the fight and hope it slows it down. You are correct a out ONE thing and that is that it is here to stay. I’m OK with that but because a person is about to rape a women doesn’t mean she should just accept it. My Ranger has been checked numerous times and all has been good. Your line about 30 year old boats having water in them because they are old is the funniest line of this entire thread. Keep em’ coming! I think even the flat earth people are starting to be embarrassed by your thoughts. Wow…RR

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m OK with that but because a person is about to rape a women doesn’t mean she should just accept it.

    LOL! We are not about to be raped, we are being raped? What side are you on RR?

    Question: Forget about what the penalties of transporting weeds are right now in MN.

    What kind of teeth do you feel this law should have for transporting whatever a CO would in his descresion write a ticket for?

    Jail time?

    RR, Buzz…anyone??

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Too far Right Brian…Too far Right. Believe it or not CO’s care. They’re not just out to make your life a living hell. Take your plug out and life will go on. (Oh i know i know…an IDO supporter had a bad experience with a CO and had to pay Uncle Sam. Welcome to the world we live in.) grab them sponges…done with this silliness…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    What kind of teeth do you feel this law should have for transporting whatever a CO would in his descresion write a ticket for?

    Jail time?

    RR, Buzz…anyone??

    Missed the question RR…

    Posts: 6687

    My last boat leaked.
    Leaked like a siv, yet still held several gallons.

    New ranger guys need to pull your head out of the sand. Stand at a ramp and count the number of boats where water comes out their plugs.

    Y’all are in denial.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Well, like a few have said,

    The Best way to change some LAW you don’t like is at the Ballot Box!

    Just a couple weeks.

    Call your State Representative, Senator & Governor Dayton and ask them to Repeal the LAWS you don’t like, like the Test and Sticker Tag Law going into effect next year.

    Find if they Voted for this Law and Vote Against them if you’re that serious about it.

    We ALL need to do our part to slow down the spread, but picking only on Fishermen like many Lakeshore Owners Groups attack is wrong. Even the MnDNR says the majority of Lake Infestations where they can pinpoint a cause are related to Dock And Lift sales between Lakeshore Owners from Infested Lakeshores to Non-Infested Lakeshores

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    BK, there already is a fine for transporting water in your livewells or not having your plug out. Are you suggesting more fines and a new rule?

    A friend of mine pulled into a ramp on Gull, had his plug out. Started backing down the ramp with it out, as the boat tilted, water came out. The AIS guy at the ramp gave him a hard time. The AIS guy was reported and retrained. No fine, no ticket, no foul. It is important to not confuse recommendations with laws. The recommendation is to clean, drain and dry. This isn’t one of the MN AIS laws. Tell you what, put together all your questions and we can get them answered by the DNR. We can also set up a meeting for any and all who would like to attend. So, rather then be dealing with ” This is waht a CO told me” or “this happened to someone I know”. Lets take the time to get the straight scoop.

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