People still don't get it!!!!!

  • elk_addict
    Northern IA/Lincoln Lakes Area
    Posts: 253

    So I am up at the cabin for a few days fishing and then the dreaded winterize and close up. I dread that day every year, but know that sooner our latter spring will come; starting a whole new year of fishing, memories with the family, etc.

    The landing on my favorite lake is full of weeds due to a south wind for several days. After getting tired of having to pull so many weeds off the trailer, I took my garden rake to the landing and cleaned as much out at possible. When I arrived a older gentleman had just loaded up, he was tying down his boat in the parking lot. While I was raking out the weeds I heard his truck start up and away he went. Pulling a solid axle of weeds across the lot and down the highway!

    I loaded up at dark, 4 walleye in the live well for supper, and pulled up near the light to drain, clean weeds off, and put the minnows in fresh well water. Another boat loads up and pulls into the lot, far enough away that I could not see much, other than an Alumacraft boat and could hear the diesel truck running. As I finished up loading, away he goes, weeds hanging off the trailer!!!

    I have the tip line in my phone, but could not catch a license plate. Two of the three lakes in our area have Eurasian millfoil and with the disgregard these people show, it will not be long till they all have it.

    I know some on this site feel the milfoil is no big deal, but it my opinion you must not have seen the impact to an ecosystem if you feel this way.

    Come on people, follow the dam law and get your @3%& on the ground and get the frickn weeds off your damn trailer, or sell the boat and stay the hell off the water!!!!!!

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Impact on the Eco system? Like what? Ive been fishing a lake for the past week with milfoil and zeebs and caught over 100 walleyes with a bunch of those fish over 25″!
    I agree with you that we should remove the weeds from our trailers. You also need to understand the sky isn’t falling and nobody is going to die from some weeds.

    Posts: 6687

    You assume he didn’t clean the boat before launching the next time. Maybe he’s going from milfoil lake A to milfoil lake B.
    Yep, he broke the law, but did he do anything wrong?

    Not necessarily.

    My boat got the DNR “Decontaminate” wash yesterday. COmpletely overrated. Didn’t even wash the scum off….and my boat wasn’t “Contaminated” to begin with.

    The St. Croix usual inspectors haven’t even seen a zebra mussel yet this year…YET, my boat is “Contaminated” B.S.

    I didn’t let him do anything to the livewell. Yep, it had water in it…Try to prove it was lake water…Too bad it was RAIN WATER….Breaking the law…But doing nothing wrong…

    Tax dollars well spent.

    Ease up elk/addict.
    The only “Negative” impact on a “ECOSYSTEM” the milfoil has is it IMPACTS PEOPLE. Sounds like you caught fish, and the world isn’t about to end.

    Posts: 6687

    I caught over 500 Pounds of fish this weekend in a system that has BOTH Zebra Mussels AND…wait for it…MILFOIL.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Even if an invasive positively affects a lake, I’d still want reasonable measures taken by people to help slow the spread.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    You assume he didn’t clean the boat before launching the next time. Maybe he’s going from milfoil lake A to milfoil lake B.

    If the trailer left the lot with weeds hanging on it, at least some of the weeds can be expected to fly off going down the road. They can also be expected to end up in the drainage ditches along said route. Thus the potential to contaminate many drainage basins and lakes. All because one guy was lazy and did not want to comply with the law and common sense.

    Yep, some people just don’t get it.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    He never said that lakes that are loaded with invasives are bad for the fish…Simply said that the “ecosystem” would be effected which is a true statement…

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Even if an invasive positively affects a lake, I’d still want reasonable measures taken by people to help slow the spread.

    Totally agree.

    Sorry, but people need to get over this thing where if they don’t agree politically with the laws that are on the books for invasive species, they can play this opt out card where it’s ok to ignore the law.

    This is the same thing that was going on with baiting deer back when deer numbers where high. Everybody and their brother knew baiting has been illegal in MN forever. But suddenly deer numbers are high and a bunch of master baiters out there write themselves a free pass to ignore the law and corn pile hunt because they don’t think it should be illegal.

    Like the OP said, it’s not that hard, just do it. Breaking the law is not a form of protest, if you don’t like it write your rep.


    Northern IA/Lincoln Lakes Area
    Posts: 253

    I caught over 500 Pounds of fish this weekend in a system that has BOTH Zebra Mussels AND…wait for it…MILFOIL.


    I never implied that the fish will not survive, it totally changes locations and how you fish for them. I for one, love beautiful weed lines, cabbage, coontail, etc. In clear north country lakes, the milfoil takes over and the only remaining cabbage is extremely shallow.

    The deep weed line fish on one of the lakes I fish, are typically not on the milfoil weed line. The fish have migrated to other locations, the majority of fish are caught after dark, on the inside weed line, on sand flats that do not allow the milfoil to grow.

    We are all entitled to our own opinion and our own methods that we love for catching fish. I for one, love the deep weed lines in the Brainerd area and the fish that frequent them. One cannot compare the effect of invasive species on say Pool 4 or southern Minnesota lakes to the clear deep lakes of north central Minnesota. The lakes are so different, kinda of like comparing a good ribeye to SPAM!

    Regardless if you agree the invasive species are a problem. Please follow the law for those of us who do. Thank you.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The law is the law…right or wrong.

    The only place I’m writing is in the ballot box.

    Funny this milfoil thread came up. I was fishing with a fella last night that was complaining/stated that with the cold spring the milfoil on Minnatonka didn’t grow as well as in the past.

    I thought it was funny…almost as much as the ais laws.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    You bring up a good point. I think cleaning up a launch would be so much more helpful than inspections. I’ve done that too. There are some launches where I swear I come out with half the milfoil in a lake…

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    You bring up a good point. I think cleaning up a launch would be so much more helpful than inspections. I’ve done that too. There are some launches where I swear I come out with half the milfoil in a lake…

    Great point…

    Posts: 6687

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>FishBlood&RiverMud wrote:</div>
    I caught over 500 Pounds of fish this weekend in a system that has BOTH Zebra Mussels AND…wait for it…MILFOIL.


    The deep weed line fish on one of the lakes I fish, are typically not on the milfoil weed line. The fish have migrated to other locations, the majority of fish are caught after dark, on the inside weed line, on sand flats that do not allow the milfoil to grow.

    We are all entitled to our own methods that we love for catching fish. I for one, love the deep weed lines

    You make me laugh.
    Duh. You just explained a shallow night bite.

    And many fisherman run from milfoil. Not sure the fish do. With the exception of die down period… Like all weeds.
    Gotta learn how to fish through the slop.
    Milfoil would be your friend should you learn how to fish it.
    Walleye fishing with bass tactics.

    Milfoil in road ditches.
    Gosh, never thought of it but now that it was brought up that reminds me of the invasive dandelion…. Yeah. It had a history too.

    Never waste a crisis.

    I would have cleaned my trailer if I was full of weeds, but because I don’t want to pay the fine, not because I’m worried about ditch nesting birds ecosystem.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I don’t get it?!

    Posts: 7348

    You make me laugh.
    Duh. You just explained a shallow night bite.

    And many fisherman run from milfoil. Not sure the fish do. With the exception of die down period… Like all weeds.
    Gotta learn how to fish through the slop.
    Milfoil would be your friend should you learn how to fish it.
    Walleye fishing with bass tactics.

    While true you don’t have to be an a$$ about it Fish blood, with all due respect. I’m sure he was referring to the many types of ways to get eyes in milfoil lakes, shallow night bite is just one.

    And if asked a simple ? if you had a choice would you rather fish the same lake with or without milfoil? We all know most answers here. Which is why we have simple laws to slow em down.

    Northern IA/Lincoln Lakes Area
    Posts: 253

    You make me laugh.
    Duh. You just explained a shallow night bite.

    I fully understand a shallow night bite, been fishing much longer than you have, based on your birthdate. I have also learned that you should treat people the way you would like them to treat you.

    I am not a vegetation expert, but neither are most of the people on this site. I just wanted to state a fact that people are blatantly ignoring the law, and find that to be an issue.

    I believe we are all still allowed to voice our opinion in this country, but not so sure on this site anymore. Really do not appreciate being treated like an idiot. Sorry to all that do not share the same opinion as me.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Milfoil in road ditches.
    Gosh, never thought of it but now that it was brought up that reminds me of the invasive dandelion…. Yeah. It had a history too.

    You missed his point. Most road ditches work their way to bodies of water. That’s why some people call them drainage ditches…

    I would have cleaned my trailer if I was full of weeds, but because I don’t want to pay the fine, not because I’m worried about ditch nesting birds ecosystem.

    You just proved why we need fines and laws to slow the spread. Some people are more concerned with their bill fold than respecting the public resources shared by everyone. And there’s the rub.

    Did I say we? I meant you. Here we keep it simple…

    Posts: 3010


    1. bite-tongue.jpg

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Elk, good for you. Folks truly don’t get it. Even those who you think should. Don’t worry about the flat-earthers on the forum, they march to a drum that only they can hear.

    Posts: 3010

    boombp, bumbp, boombp, bumbp

    1. bang-head.jpg

    Posts: 7348

    ^^^ thanks desperado now I need a new otter case

    Posts: 6687

    If only there was a bin where we could put our weeds at the landing…

    Do what you can do. It’ll spread regardless.

    As to whether I would rather fish a body of water with or without milfoil; I guess I’ve never considered milfoil as a factor in picking which lake to fish. Doesn’t even cross my mind.

    … And I know how forums work. Ya rub against the grain and do so with a course brush and you’ll ruffle some feathers… Keep supporting the spending of my tax dollars chasing dandelions… I’ll keep bantering against it.

    Pulling your plug doesn’t stop the transfer of water in your hull either… (Insert dramatic tone here)

    Posts: 6687

    Elk, good for you. Folks truly don’t get it. Even those who you think should. Don’t worry about the flat-earthers on the forum, they march to a drum that only they can hear.

    Always quick to throw names.
    When you can’t fight with facts….

    My opinion on the daily invasive headlines may differ from some of you Heavy posters.. But you’ll struggle finding downer or name calling comments in any one of my posts… I will speak my opinion, and will continue to do so in a respectful, yet frequently sarcastic way…
    So, take it how you will. Didn’t call a single person an idiot. But in more words I did call the topic idiotic… If you take invasives personally… Well, then your emotional and not rational.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>FishBlood&RiverMud wrote:</div>
    You assume he didn’t clean the boat before launching the next time. Maybe he’s going from milfoil lake A to milfoil lake B.

    If the trailer left the lot with weeds hanging on it, at least some of the weeds can be expected to fly off going down the road. They can also be expected to end up in the drainage ditches along said route. Thus the potential to contaminate many drainage basins and lakes. All because one guy was lazy and did not want to comply with the law and common sense.

    Yep, some people just don’t get it.

    I call over reaching.

    It goes both ways, some people just don’t get it so none of us get it.
    I know I dont get it when someone intensly watches two boats breaking the law and does nothing about except complain about it on forum and call the offenders names under the usumption they know all the details pertaining to the alleged crimmanals. Who is being lazy here?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Matt Straw has a pretty good article from 2012 there FBRM. Thanks for sharing.

    Since these invasive came from the shipping companies, have them clean up the mess they’ve made. Us people that “don’t get it” wouldn’t have to “get anything” had they taken care of this early one.

    Asian carp? We need not look any further then our own US Government for aiding in bringing them over.

    “What if every time one of us gets caught with a dandelion on our trailer, the Minnesota DNR sends a $1000 fine to a company that ships on the Great Lakes? Now that sounds fair. It’s like parking-meter change to them, anyway.”

    Read more:

    AIR (Aquatic Invasive Regulations)

    PS Personally I like to vent here until November when I can vote.

    Western and Central, NY
    Posts: 440

    Here in NY all of the Finger lakes have Milfoil and Zebra mussels. The fishing for Pike, Bass and L-Trout is as good as ever. The only issue is they are so dense (the Milfoil) that boats chop it up and it floats all over the surface. Then when casting – trolling it rides your line down to you bait. Annoying cleaning the stuff off your baits. But hasnt harmed the fish. Still no sense transporting it around because it is the law.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    The point of the In-Fish article is that we as boaters Can NOT comply with the law.

    You and I are breaking these laws each time we move our rigs…it’s just up to the LEO if he wants to write a ticket.

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