Penn Spinfisher

  • lindyrig79
    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Anyone have experience with this reel? Looking for a sealed reel to take wade fishing in the ocean so it will get saltwater dunk on occasion

    Tom Bisel
    Posts: 33

    My son purchased one recently for our trip to Florida. Same usauge. It is extremely well made and when I cleaned it when we got home it looked like it was just taken out of the box, so I would recommend this reel. He purchased a 6000 size.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Hey thanks Tom that is great feedback. I think I’ll give it a try. I have been using Pfluegers so far (which are great reels too) But after last year dunking one of the reels while wade fishing the whole thing seized up. That was after rinsing it right away with fresh water too. Some salt must have gotten inside and so that’s why I’m looking for a sealed one this time around.

    Posts: 195

    I watch a lot of FL fishing content on youtube and they’re commonly recommended reels.

    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 891

    How much do you want to spend?

    The Spinfisher is tough to beat and have been around for years. I personally like the Slammer, it is IP6 v the Spinfisher is IP5. The Slammer DX has an Stainless main and pinion gear. Standard Slammer and Spinfisher are brass. I also like the round knob on the Slammer over the oval of the Spinfisher.

    A nice plus for the Spinfisher is you can get a liveliner.

    Regardless you can’t go wrong with either.

    Pflugers have an aluminum gear, so they’ll be super smooth, but yes not a saltwater reel. And some have a magnesium frame which salt water can destroy in no time.

    R Petersen
    Posts: 133

    Penns are very watertight for decades.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Thanks guys.

    TillR: not looking to spend a ton right now. I mainly wade for snapper and occasionally hook a small shark or Jack. I’m sure once I start spending whole winters down there I’ll be upgrading and expanding.

    Sounds like the Spinfish is a good choice for now. Found one on sale for $120

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Anyone have experience with this reel? Looking for a sealed reel to take wade fishing in the ocean so it will get saltwater dunk on occasion

    . You’ll be extremely happy. It’s a great reel for the price.

    United States
    Posts: 1434

    Not sure about the newer models, but I have a Spinfisher V and it is definatley NOT watertight.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Not sure about the newer models, but I have a Spinfisher V and it is definatley NOT watertight.

    I’d be surprised if the new models are at that price point, but technology is advancing and becoming more cost effective. That’s why I run the Battle III. I’ll know they aren’t water tight and use the em accordingly.

    When my wade fishing reels go caput, I’ll be looking to Diawa Saltist and Saltist MQ to replace them.

    Posts: 1719

    I’m going surf fishing in Gulf Shores in March. I bought a Battle III 5000, 6000 and a Daiwa 4000. Wish the Spinfishers were on sale when I bought the Battles, they are quite a bit smoother. Think the Penns will be nice for rig fishing, but after handling them I bought the Daiwa to cast spoons and plugs. It’s a quite a bit lighter, physically smaller to handle and smoother. Penn are great reels. Why you see them on most charter boats. To my knowledge, no reel is waterproof. Penn have extra seals and upper end and Fuego Daiwa’s have Mag-Seal. But that will protect from spray or a quick dunk. If you submerge a reel, the water pressure is higher than the pressure in the reel. Water will soon get in. I kayak fish saltwater about 30 days a year with Stradics, after 5 years, I’ve had no problems. But I light rinse every day with the rod vertical, don’t spray up under the spool or spray with high pressure. Also keep a small dam of grease built up around the base of shafts entering the reel body.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    All good info. I will keep the Saltist on my radar. I haven’t had a reel problem until last year. I found this cool spot you could walk out maybe 80 yards or so on rock. But depending on tides would determine how much rock and at high tide it was about ankle deep water with only small amounts of rock exposed to set gear. From there you could wade out until about your waist and access some deeper water. Caught some decent fish and it was just awesome being in the ocean like that while fishing. But like I said my reel did take a couple dunks under while handling fish, etc.

    1. IMG_3474-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 1719

    Seeing your rods laying down near salt and sand is somewhat a death sentence. I would add rod holders to your cooler. If the picture comes thru. You can see it keeps your reels up a foot on a regular rod and near 2 on a saltwater rod. My Engel came with them. But they are easy to glue or screw on. Other option is put rod holders or PVC inside a plastic bucket and use it for your tackle.
    On the reel, one thing I see a lot of people do when then get to saltwater is buy a 600-8000 reel. Picturing themself with a 1000# marlin. A 4500 is a real sweet spot. A 4500 Spinfisher hold 320yards of 20# Power Pro, 7500 reel around 500 yards you will never see the bottom half of. Also, 4500 weighs 12.5 oz. compared to 26.5oz. for a 7500. That can be a world of difference casting all day. I believe the 4500 has about 20#s of drag. With 20# or 30# braid, a proper rod and that drag set right. A fish will pull you off the jetty before the line breaks. Also overkill on the equipment really takes the fun out for me. Last 5 years my 90% go to set up is a 7′ Shimano Zodias {rated for 5 to 15# line}, 1000 Stradic with 10# Power Pro w/ 20# floro leader. I’ve landed dozens of mid to upper 20″ Reds and Snook, 20″+ trout. My only break off has been over 30″ snook in mangroves. Mostly fishing in a kayak, it’s a little more forgiving as they don’t have anything solid to pull against, I’ve been on several finned train rides. Good luck, salts a blast, 8” snapper fights like a 2# smallmouth.

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    Hodag Hunter
    Northern Wisconsin
    Posts: 484

    I suggest looking at a Daiwa with “Magsealed”. Fuego LT about $100.

    Posts: 1719

    If you look at a Fuego. Watch that you get the second generation. {2023 and newer} look for Zaion.v on the box. Early models had some issues that they have addressed. Mainly the graphite body has been replaced with carbon fiber. Early models had flex in the body, carbon fiber also lighten it up. I bought 2 first gen for saltwater fishing. They were a good choice for a $100 reel. But fished next to Stradics, they end up in the rear rod holders or soaking bait. I will probably gift them when I get home. Right now, you can get a Daiwa BG for $10 less and the Spinfisher for $20 more. Don’t think they are the best deal right now with the sales they are running on some higher end reels.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    I haven’t done kayak fishing yet but have thought about it several times and have been eyeing up places to rent and fish the mangroves.

    Good idea on the rod holders. My cooler is usually styrofoam as we fly and there is only so much gear I can get on the plane. I’m usually pretty careful on the reels but like I said last year I did ruin one. Luckily it was an inexpensive Pflueger Trion.

    Totally agree with you Steve on reel size. The Spinfisher 4500 is what came in the mail. I put 20 lb power pro on it and will change leaders as needed. Can’t wait to get back down there.

    Jack Greene
    Posts: 2

    I have 2 of the 2500 size. They turned out to be some of my favorite reels. Very smooth. Great drag. I bought a Gomexus power handle for them too & that was a great idea. I like my Spinfishers just as much as I like my Shimano Stradics and Vanfords. I have not dunked them, so can’t report on that, but they do take spray & abuse.
    I might recommend you go with the Slammer line tho, specifically the DX variant to get the bronze main gear. Spinfisher & other non-DX variants have pot metal which may deteriorate a good bit faster for your particular application. But now we’re talking about a $400 reel..not a “just over $200” reel, so there could even be other options in that range if that price-point doesn’t scare you off.

    What species are you targeting? Do you have a preference for braid or monofilament? Will you be pitching lures or using natural bait?

    Posts: 1719

    Lindy, Didn’t say how you liked your Spin fisher. I just picked up another Spinfisher VI 4500 on Amazon / Penn store for $106.00. Far cry from the original price, since the VII came out they have been clearing them out. But selling out several places now. Just a heads up if you’d like another.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Steve- it’s a good reel. I didn’t get a chance to really work it over in the salt for a full evaluation on durability. But it seems quality and hopefully will be in line to take it south again this winter.

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