I bought something off archery talk and the guy sent it to me with tracking. The usps tracking said they dropped it at my door at 11am Tuesday morning. My security cameras show no delivery. I filed a dispute with the usps and they told me to notify PayPal which is how I paid the guy. So I did that. Now the guy is bought from is pissed because it takes the funds from his account until it’s resolved. I wrote in the PayPal dispute seller did all he could on his end. I don’t want him out 200 bucks and I don’t want to be out 200 bucks. Is there a better resolution? The usps answer was to check with neighbors which is bs but I did. No one has my thing that they claimed they left at my door. Which again was never actually delivered to me .
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » PayPal dispute questions
PayPal dispute questions
Posts: 24542January 30, 2025 at 7:30 am #2313787That really sucks BC! I had a package delivered, but when I looked I didnt see it outside. I called our local post office and they actually sent me a picture of where it was placed. Sure enough I talked to the kid and he had brought it inside. IDK if your post office does this, but I thought if they dropped it at the door they did is what I am getting at.
I didnt realize that if you did a paypal dispute that it takes the money OUT of the seller’s account. So the money is still gone from you too? Seems really shady to me. Do you know if the seller insured the item? If it is lost then perhaps he can get reimbursed for value, but I have no idea how that works or how long it takes.James Almquist
Posts: 559January 30, 2025 at 7:32 am #2313788Do you know if the seller created his address label from Paypal or did he label it himself ? He might have got something messed up and now no one knows where its at if it is addressed wrong.
January 30, 2025 at 7:49 am #2313792Doubtful, but did the seller insure it? After 35 years of home building, I’ve had more than I care to remember of screwed up deliveries. It usually comes down to Buyer dealing with damaged deliveries Via the seller and the shipper, but the seller tracking and dealing with items not received.
As for the seller being pissed, oh well….you bought something you didn’t receive and you can be pissed too. Protocols are in place to resolve these situations and thats all you did – follow the procedures. If the seller doesn’t like it, too dam bad. I’m sure he/she picked the method of shipping, let them deal with their shipping contractor and find it.
January 30, 2025 at 8:05 am #2313797Agree with Randy…this is the sellers issue. Typically under terms of service it’s their responsibility to deliver it to you.
I would verify the address it was shipped to and make sure that correct.
Is this a seller with a track record? There are alot of scams with people shipping to fake addresses. This doesn’t sound like that but you never know.
This is why using PayPal and Venmo are so important. They have a dispute resolution process that helps the buyer. It’s harder to scam people that way.
Posts: 2224January 30, 2025 at 8:19 am #2313803Once the shipper marks the package as delivered, the seller is typically no longer responsible. The actual change in ownership (location, etc) would be part of the purchase agreement in most cases. Rarely is anything shipped anymore where a signature is required upon receipt.
In this day of front door cameras, it is pretty easy to determine if the package was actually placed (delivered) where they said it would be.
If you look at the independent contractors delivering for Amazon, they almost always take a photo of the package at the delivery site. I will share that in one case the photo was of my package at my neighbor’s front door.
Standard package insurance with the USPS (priority and ground advantage) is up to $100. Coverage above $100 is available at an added fee.
Posts: 2224January 30, 2025 at 8:22 am #2313805You did check your mail box ? USPS is notorious at our house for jamming anything they can fit into our mailbox vs. walking it up to the door.
January 30, 2025 at 9:46 am #2313838He was a high rated seller on archery talk, with a ton of 5 star reviews.
We determined he shipped it to a old address that I used to live in, I messaged him my shipping information but he didn’t catch that and I guess paypal still has my old address from 5 plus years ago on file. So now it’s a waiting game to see if it shows back up to him or I’m not sure. Pretty lame and a honest mistake. I guess we can both take partial blame. I’m not sure why my old address is what’s listed on PayPal when they print the label straight from them.CaptainMusky
Posts: 24542January 30, 2025 at 9:50 am #2313842I’m not sure why my old address is what’s listed on PayPal when they print the label straight from them.
He definitely should have compared your message and what was on the shipping label. Hopefully it gets back to him and it can be re-sent.
Reef W
Posts: 3168January 30, 2025 at 10:11 am #2313848Seller protection only applies if they ship to the address on file. If he has tracking proving delivery he will probably get his money back.
It’s a common scam to have people ship to a different address, just to invalidate the protection, and then when the buyer disputes PayPal says too bad to the seller even though the buyer did get it.
Hopefully you can figure it out so it works out for both of you.
January 30, 2025 at 10:19 am #2313851Not what you want to hear, but that’s on you to make sure the address you have loaded in your Paypal profile is correct imo… live and learn I guess…
If you moved out of state, you could also quickly mail a letter to your old address and explain the situation and offer to pay them to ship the item to you? Hopefully they are an honest person and do the right thing…I’d also tip them to make it worth their time too…
Posts: 1785January 30, 2025 at 10:22 am #2313852Man, that sucks BC. I hate to say it but I feel this is on you. Or at least that’s how PayPal and usps will see it. It’s your responsibility to have your current address on your PayPal account. Sellers are instructed to use that exactly to avoid any possibility of typos when manually entering an address. Using that exactly is how they are protected from shipping scams.
January 30, 2025 at 11:06 am #2313863There are more solid people out there in the world than most want to admit. If your old place is in the area, I’d simply go knock at their door.
If you moved in the last 5 years I’d bet that whoever is on the other end at your previous address still gets random things with your name on them (mainly junk mail). We built in 21/22, and I met the person we sold the other house to solely to establish a connection knowing stuff would still get sent there regardless of all the forwarding and notifying places of our address change. It turns out that guy drives by our driveway on his way to work and often would drop a few things off that were mistakenly sent to him. He still swings by for a beer on occassion if he sees me out and about.
January 30, 2025 at 11:41 am #2313871We had been talking through the other forum and I gave him my mailing address, he confirmed but then I guess used one on file which I wasn’t aware it was on file. I’ve bought 100s of things through PayPal. This is the first time that’s happened.
January 30, 2025 at 12:51 pm #2313887Go to your old address and pick it up
I’m going to try. It’s only a few miles from my house. But I’m working 12s right now so not sure if I’ll be home in time.
January 30, 2025 at 3:29 pm #2313931USPS claims to never make a mistake. If USPS claim they delivered the package they will not pay out insurance. Been there before.
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