Park Rapids area

  • Nicholas
    Posts: 54

    I have a cabin in the park rapids are and I am wondering what is the best lakes to find walleye and what are good lakes to find crappie? Fish hook lake and long lake Hubbard are the main two that I have fished and heard about

    southeast lower michigan
    Posts: 300

    im interested as well. Will be in that area in a few weeks.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6007

    Beautiful area-so many good panfish lakes-walleyes-not the best area for those guys. Sure you will get some good ideas very soon.

    Posts: 54

    What is a good area for walleye?

    Nate Basinger
    Posts: 19

    We have a place in Nevis and the walleye fishing has been fairly poor for the past few years. Guys that have been here a long time say it used to be good, but suspect the current pike regulations (40″ minimum) have had an adverse effect on the walleye population. I am curious about some good crappie lakes in the area.

    Posts: 4941

    Lake george

    Troy Hoernemann
    Nevis mn
    Posts: 163

    Leech is my go to for eyes. I wood get on the DNR lake finder and start looking at lake surveys and check Gill net count. Would also look at Ottertail and Becker County Osage ponsford and perham areas and Hubbard County I would look at plantagenet Grace and some of the Crow Wing Lakes. Fish Hook has been getting some crappies and walleyes at night potato isn’t a bad Lake either

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