
  • Timo i
    Posts: 124

    sorry. . . erased my rant

    Posts: 9281

    We all like a good rant. It would have been nice to see a non US view.

    Posts: 7348

    The pesky fly that keeps buzzing around a room is annoying, but in the big picture doesn’t have much effect on anything, and therefore usually gets ignored with a pesky hand wave to shoo it away.

    After awhile though, it becomes too much to deal with, mentally speaking, and you drop everything you’re doing and employ all resources to kill the lil monkeybutt.

    I’m curious as to what the world’s tipping point is going to be with terrorism. And within the rubble of these attacks I find great opportunity for countries to band together which otherwise wouldn’t. What if this very terrorism brings world peace and Bin Laden was a mastermind after all and will go down as a great thinker…

    I’m just kidding, dig these asswads out of their holes, shoot em in the face, light em on fire then urine on their ashes. There’s no more room on this earth for these people.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    We all like a good rant. It would have been nice to see a non US view.

    I agree entirely. I live under the premise of Perception is Reality. I find it very intriguing to know what perception other individuals of other countries have of us and how we are projected in their media. We all have a perception of ourselves, what is the outside view looking in? What expectation do others have of us for assistance? Do other countries see us as one to “blame” for provoking these idiots?

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    You can kill all the flies you want, there will always be two to replace the one that was swatted down. One must understand what makes them multiply. Creating a dead carcuss alone breeds more flies.

    Timo i
    Posts: 124

    Not a rant.If I boil it down my point was that, the 3 main targets were a Jewish based business. And American band (concert). And a soccer match with a German team.
    They have on tape people at the restaurant or cafe stating that gunman were aiming past them to shoot owners, first.
    These officials in government. (Europe) and Finland seem to think terror just won’t happen because we let them praise there
    Mohammad peace fully.
    I found out today 300 of the few thousands of refugees that moved to our area have visited Syria in the past year.
    And 50 of them are being watched.
    They live less than 10 min. Walking distance from the airport!!
    And 2 min. Away from the biggest shopping mall in the area….
    And also they walk everywhere no-brainer but for the past two days I haven’t seen not even one walking around.
    They stick out like a sore thumb, but you just never know.
    Tight lines

    Posts: 797

    I don’t know how to post a link, so..
    Google ” Rattlesnake Logic ” and read this Texas ranchers
    take on all of this. Right on the money I’d say.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    What happens when the rancher removes all the snakes? Something takes the snakes place such as roddents, insects, disease and other undesirables. Take out Saddom Hussein and look what took its place.

    Take a feral colony of cats nasty little critters that multiply to the point of what the land can sustain. Take away the abuility to multiply such as sterilization that area will be occupied till they all wither away then the ballance will equilize. Not saying sterilization is the method but maybe capturing the leaders in the middle of the night then anice lobotomy then put back into playing with freinds may dirupt the propaganda that recruits more fallowers.

    Now comparing snakes to iSSIS is not fare to the snake.The snake has its place and its numbers fluctuate to the enviroment around it. Drought years less snake less roddents abbundent rain fall more roddents more snakes the never ending cycle of nature.

    Posts: 926

    Not a rant.If I boil it down my point was that, the 3 main targets were a Jewish based business. And American band (concert). And a soccer match with a German team.
    They have on tape people at the restaurant or cafe stating that gunman were aiming past them to shoot owners, first.
    These officials in government. (Europe) and Finland seem to think terror just won’t happen because we let them praise there
    Mohammad peace fully.
    I found out today 300 of the few thousands of refugees that moved to our area have visited Syria in the past year.
    And 50 of them are being watched.
    They live less than 10 min. Walking distance from the airport!!
    And 2 min. Away from the biggest shopping mall in the area….
    And also they walk everywhere no-brainer but for the past two days I haven’t seen not even one walking around.
    They stick out like a sore thumb, but you just never know.
    Tight lines

    Just make sure the Rapala and Sako factories are well guarded.

    Seriously when are people/governments going to realize that you can’t just let hoards of people in without vetting them in some way.

    BTW guard those factories.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    Are you suggesting occupying Finland? jester jester

    Posts: 797

    Don’t need a lecture hi&sinker, I just think he
    puts it in to perspective on how ISIS should be dealt

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    A lecture? Ok next time I’ll agree with you. I agree I was over zealous with my addition to the conversation. These are my thoughts, they were not directed at you. Just like you I’m trying to make sence of it all. I just take a different avenue. If you take offence to it that’s on you not me.

    How many fisherman does it take to change a light bulb? I don’t know because I alway have my head lamp close by.

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 1974

    What happens when the rancher removes all the snakes? Something takes the snakes place such as roddents, insects, disease and other undesirables. Take out Saddom Hussein and look what took its place.

    Take a feral colony of cats nasty little critters that multiply to the point of what the land can sustain. Take away the abuility to multiply such as sterilization that area will be occupied till they all wither away then the ballance will equilize. Not saying sterilization is the method but maybe capturing the leaders in the middle of the night then anice lobotomy then put back into playing with freinds may dirupt the propaganda that recruits more fallowers.

    Now comparing snakes to iSSIS is not fare to the snake.The snake has its place and its numbers fluctuate to the enviroment around it. Drought years less snake less roddents abbundent rain fall more roddents more snakes the never ending cycle of nature.

    Taking out Saddam Hussein wasn’t a mistake, electing Barak Obama with his fecklessly arrogant and historically ignorant foreign policy was. As much as people hate it WW 1, WW 2, The Korean War, and Vietnam War all teach us that long term sustained nation building is necessary to win in war. You can’t just declare victory, pull your troops out and move on especially if the enemy hasn’t given up the fight. We clearly had the momentum against Islamic extremism when W left office. The terrorists have been taking it back ever since.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17283

    The blueprint for defeating the United States came when we lost the Vietnam conflict. The opponent saw that as a people we no longer had the stomach to deliver the knockout punch. Early in Vietnam the politicians took control. We were on the verge of bombing Hanoi flat as a pancake. Shortly after the generals lost their power to try and win the war it became a battle for the media. Daily there were “body counts” of the enemy.
    Since Vietnam we have lost thousands of troops lives and spent billions in police actions around the world. With the exception of Granada & getting Hussian does anybody think we are winning? It’s been said that the in the United States “old men (Washington) fight wars with young mens (our sons & daughters) lives”. If you want to end this crap turn the Generals loose with the order to not come home until the Unites States is safe again.

    War is not fought around somebody’s table on a game board. War is inflicting as much damage to the enemy as they can take.Why should the Islamic States of the Middle East receive our protection and dollars when they can’t even police their own people? The phone call should be something like this ” Hey Mo, in 60 days if you don’t have control of your country in regards to ISIS 2 things are going to happen. 1) all the forign aid from the NATO countries stops. 2) Daily bombing raids will start targeting any terrorists we identify. Our apologies in advance for the millions of innocent citizens of yours that will die.”

    The alternative is a 100% withdrawal and let them hash out their own issues. No more patty cake, fight to win or don’t fight.

    Posts: 6259

    Any group of people who believe there religion is the only way or they will kill non believers by any means including beheading, suicide bombs, .etc and rape of non believers women needs to be wiped off the face of the earth so they can meet there maker they are so blindly trying to please. Leaders who would rather sit down and have a beer with such people and talk about it will lead there people to a very bad end. Of course the last comment is sarcastic but for those who cant or wont read between the lines I wanted to make it perfectly clear. The only answer for this JV team and any others like it is death.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    I would like to see the worlds super powers unite to eliminate this common threat. That would be a good thing.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Something has to be done. Certainly though, any plans need to be kept out of the media’s grasp and any follow-up needs to be kept out of the medias grasp. And the bleeding hearts need to either step up or shut up.

    911 was our wake-up call and an act that was an act of war. Now France has been given notice while England and Spain have received theirs over time since 911. War has casualties that often are not from the fighting sector….all wars have had this. So, don’t tell us what your plan is Mr. Military. Just do it. Hit them with big bombs. Hit them with napalm, something they deserve. Don’t ask permission from the politicians or Pres, just do a Nike and get it done. Don’t ask permission from those sandbox nations in Africa or the middle east. Pakistan and Afghanistan and India need to know that if they harbor Isis or “Al” whatever, we will be there dropping noisemakers.

    The media needs to be excluded from any planning. What good does it do to have every tv station in the country here reporting on a big sweep coming up in two weeks? Damn, if the military is going have actions, the media is the last pack of butt-wipes that need to know about it.

    Viet Nam was the first war that was brought to our living rooms within a day or two of any action. Thank technology. The media thinks it has every right to be in the thick of things today. I agree in part….if they want to go over there during an action give the dinks an M16 and a vest and tell them they can get their computers and Ipads and phones back when they return stateside. Make all planning a matter of national security and ANYONE spilling the beans should be considered a traitor and be given a bullet bath. Then report that on tv. The media and the bleeding hearts…..they need to be kept in check so any military action is secret until it happens.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less media would be a good thing for humanity. Especially when it comes to our survival.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10994

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less media would be a good thing for humanity. Especially when it comes to our survival.

    x a bazillion!

    What Dutchboy said x a bazillion

    I always said – if they had live reporting at Normandy we would all be speaking German today.

    and Jack was correct – we can’t handle the truth.

    Lake Osakis,MN
    Posts: 241

    The blueprint for defeating the United States came when we lost the Vietnam conflict. The opponent saw that as a people we no longer had the stomach to deliver the knockout punch. Early in Vietnam the politicians took control. We were on the verge of bombing Hanoi flat as a pancake. Shortly after the generals lost their power to try and win the war it became a battle for the media. Daily there were “body counts” of the enemy.
    Since Vietnam we have lost thousands of troops lives and spent billions in police actions around the world. With the exception of Granada & getting Hussian does anybody think we are winning? It’s been said that the in the United States “old men (Washington) fight wars with young mens (our sons & daughters) lives”. If you want to end this crap turn the Generals loose with the order to not come home until the Unites States is safe again.

    War is not fought around somebody’s table on a game board. War is inflicting as much damage to the enemy as they can take.Why should the Islamic States of the Middle East receive our protection and dollars when they can’t even police their own people? The phone call should be something like this ” Hey Mo, in 60 days if you don’t have control of your country in regards to ISIS 2 things are going to happen. 1) all the forign aid from the NATO countries stops. 2) Daily bombing raids will start targeting any terrorists we identify. Our apologies in advance for the millions of innocent citizens of yours that will die.”

    The alternative is a 100% withdrawal and let them hash out their own issues. No more patty cake, fight to win or don’t fight.

    Agree 100%. When the politicians decided you can’t have “collateral damage” or kill “innocent civilians” your done. If you go into battle with your hands tied your going to lose. The other thing they need to bring back is government sanctioned assasinations. Snuff out some of these people that are currently a problem or that could be in the future.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    I might be just slightly exaggerating but Paris seemed like a weekly occurrence at a US elementary, high school or community college. Do those events get the same kind of national publicity?

    Posts: 214

    Why is this news to you guys? ISIS has been murdering and raping its way through the Yazidi population in Iraq for years. 150 French people get murdered and it’s tough talk, end-of-the-world idiocy.

    Which of your constitutional rights are you willing to trade away to create a society that *might* prevent this kind of attack? Your right to privacy? I doubt it’s your gun rights, and Muslims can get guns the same way you can. How much of your paycheck are you willing to pay to *maybe* prevent this kind of attack? The trillions in Iraq and Afghanistan (plus related liabilities) not enough for you?

    And as stupid as the media may be, the idea that we should prevent the media from properly reporting the actions of our elected officials is a 1000x stupider. Some here will gladly give up Constitutional rights and their democracy. That’s much more dangerous than a few angry Muslims.

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