handy info

  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Here’s a handy little chart that is geared for the crappie angler and can help determine the depth the crappies might be found based on water temps.

    Temp/depth chart

    90 degrees and up…………25-35 feet
    85-90 degrees……………..18-25 feet
    80-85 degrees……………..12-17 feet
    70-80 degrees……………..12-15 feet
    65-70 degrees………………6-12 feet
    60-65 degrees………………..1-8 feet
    55-60 degrees………………6-12 feet
    50-55 degrees……………..12-15 feet
    35-50 degrees……………..18-25 feet
    35 degrees and below……..25-35 feet

    Like anything on paper, nature provides plenty of variables that can influence these comparisons, but it is solid enough to use in a general context.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    Cool information, and I would totally agree with using it as a starting point. My best all time depth for crappies and my starting point has always been 12 feet. According to the chart I now see why.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    How are the backwaters shaping up down your way Bret?

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    The backwaters are in good shape. The main channel is still a little tough to find panfish on yet. If the river keeps dropping like it has been things should be in great shape for the fall bite going into the hard water season!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    We had just started to see some nice fish on deep wood along the channel on pool 5 about three weeks ago, then we got hit with high water again. As I understand it from some good sources, pool 4 has seen some crappie action along the rip-rap, but the large crappies are still on the main lake hanging with the white bass.

    Maybe this cool weather in the forecast will shove some of the fish into fall mode.

    to a good fall season, Bret.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    Right back at ya

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