Here’s a handy little chart that is geared for the crappie angler and can help determine the depth the crappies might be found based on water temps.
Temp/depth chart
90 degrees and up…………25-35 feet
85-90 degrees……………..18-25 feet
80-85 degrees……………..12-17 feet
70-80 degrees……………..12-15 feet
65-70 degrees………………6-12 feet
60-65 degrees………………..1-8 feet
55-60 degrees………………6-12 feet
50-55 degrees……………..12-15 feet
35-50 degrees……………..18-25 feet
35 degrees and below……..25-35 feet
Like anything on paper, nature provides plenty of variables that can influence these comparisons, but it is solid enough to use in a general context.