Great question. Sorry got caught up with posting some year end pics!!
I fish Slabs all over Rainy Lake as well as several smaller lakes in the area. Crappies tend to relate to the dominate food source for that particular lake. Often times we’ll start deep and move shallow. Deep basins outside spawning structure are good starting points, but don’t discount abundant forage. Slabs feed on a variety things including blood worms, freshwater shrimp, bugs, minnows…. On a given day imitationof any of the above may be the hot ticket.
I prefer the Diamond Jigs through Custom jigs and spins which allows for quick efficient hole hopping with the small profile and quick sinkin features. Shrimpos and Ratsos are proven Donkey pullers!! We also had great succes on Demon jigs tipped with minnow heads/tails. This was extremely effective picking up larger slabs!! Transition lines between deep and shallow, mud and rock or micro bottom contour changes hold fish. Staying away from “ON ICE” parties will also help your success!!
As we transition into the open water I utilize flu-flu’s tipped with crappie minnow in a variety of colors, but really tough to beat the pink and white combo!! As for where to fish giant spawning crappies….Next to the Daze Fish Casket!!