
  • jeff korsmo
    Cresco, Ia
    Posts: 99

    dosen’t it seem early to have worms in the bluegills and sunnies? Went out this morning with my bro in law and we brought back 13 to eat and all but four fish had alot of the black worms in them. They are safe to eat I’m assuming cause I’ve been eatin them for a few years now like this and I think i’ve been ok afterwards. It just seems a little early for the worms, maybe not. P.S. if anyone knows if it is not ok to eat them let me know.

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    It’s the intermediate stage of a parasite that lives in Blue Herons. They cannot live in humans and certainly wont survive cooking. Eat em up.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Dont know about early. I see them all winter long and every other season so I assume once a fish has them it will always be so.

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