I D on a panfish…please

  • muppert
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 3

    Where did you catch it??? I am trying to remember my fish ID but this one slips my mind. If i had to guess I would say a Green Eared Sunfish….but that is a guess without looking back at my notes from college.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    It kinda looks like a warmouth…..but it does not have the red eyes.

    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674

    I’ve seen a post like this somewhere before……………………

    Posts: 565

    hybrid largemouth bass/bluegill??

    Posts: 565

    nope I think it may be a green sunfish.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    I agree with green sunfish.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I would say a green sunfish.

    Thanks, Bill

    nora springs ia floyd
    Posts: 518

    Geen sunfish has my vote

    New Hampton, Iowa
    Posts: 206

    Green Sunfish

    Otranto, IA/Hager City, WI
    Posts: 616

    thats some sort of cross, i think gill x greenie, hard to tell without sending in DNA

    Chisago county
    Posts: 43

    Cool fish It could be a warmouth, longear, redbreast or other combination as well. They are all capable of cross breeding. The body is not quite as deep as the bluegill but is deeper bodied than the green sunfish. The mouth is larger than the bluegill that’s for sure!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    My son Tyler knows the name best…

    A “cut-bait” ?

    He is in PA right now.. so the name is perfect!

    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 427

    Most definately a hybrid. My first guess would be just by looking at some of the characteristics of the fish shown. I would first guess perhaps rockbass – bluegill hybrid. It absolutely has bluegill in it – not positive on the other half.
    It is not a green sunfish in any way shape or form – this can be determined by the lack of orange and white edging on the fins and the spot on the gill flap… also shows none of the turquoise worm markings typical of green sunfish and all green sunfish hybrids on the gill flap (operculum).

    Very interesting either way! Thanks for sharing,

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    If you look at a picture of a green sunfish, it certainly has the same gill flap minus some edge color. The body coloration is somewhat different than any of the usual patterns for sunfish, but does look like a rock bass. Assuming it could be a hybrid (which I don’t know if it’s possible), the pictures of various fish suggest a green sunfish/rock bass cross.

    Otranto, IA/Hager City, WI
    Posts: 616

    heres some info wisconsin put together, has pictures of hybrids
    Wisconsin Fish Id

    Hof- cross breds are very possible

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500

    Thanks Guys! I have a couple more that I think are neat that I’ll post later it is fishing time now!!!!

    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 427

    Mike – this is not a green sunfish hybrid. If you examine the photo you will see that it lacks the white/orange edging on its fins. Green sunfish hybrids always exhibit the edging on the fins and on the operculum spot. The hybrids of green sunfish also exhibit the torquoise worm like markings on their gill flaps. The creature in this photo lack all of these characteristics that have been present in every green sunfish hybrid I have ever examined.

    That said – bluegill hybrids exhibit their characteristic black/navy spot on the operculum. It certainly does so and shows enough similarities to bluegills that it certainly is partially bluegill.

    I would bet my Bachelors degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology on it!


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    You got a bet!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Well, I’ve been waiting for proof, but I guess there isn’t any. By the definition of a hybrid, it has some characteristics of more than one fish. There may be some dominant characteristics, but I don’t believe you will find anyone that can state what you said is 100% fact every time. I do not mean to belittle your education, and I’m sure you didn’t intend to tell several of us that we don’t have a clue what we are talking about.
    I guess we can each have our opinions.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    I’ve caught 100’s of Green Sunfish in Nebraska and that sure looks like a Green Sunfish. It’s a little on the skinny side but, Green Sunfish is my vote.

    Here’s a link to a great Sunfish ID Page!

    South metro
    Posts: 194

    I caught a few of these fish on Prior Lake. They shure have a big moulth like a bass. I would be interested in finding out what the proper name for this fish is.

    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 427

    Note the features shown on the pages below – it really lacks some of the idnetifying characteristics of a green sunfish.

    the lack of the creamy margin on the operculum…

    http://www.wiscfish.org/fishid/wFrmAllImages.aspx?fid=64&comName=Sunfish, Green&sfName=Lepomis cyanellus&fam=Sunfishes (Centrarchidae)&GID=161&show=5&selText=0

    Note the lack of creamy white margins on the anal and caudal fin (tailfin).

    http://www.wiscfish.org/fishid/wFrmAttributeDetails.aspx?fid=64&comName=Sunfish, Green&sfName=Lepomis cyanellus&fam=Sunfishes (Centrarchidae)&GID=161

    Just click on attribute details and fish details to see the info I have been trying to pass on.

    If you want more proof I’ll have to do more digging… I stick by it being a bluegill hybrid and also stick by the lack of characteristics that I see displayed in green sunfish hybrids.


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