Panfishing rod

  • icefanatic11
    Birnamwood, WI
    Posts: 574

    I have started dusting of my open water tackle now that I am home from college for the summer. Somehow (I’m guessing it was broken by magic because nobody admits to doing it) one of my favorite rods got busted this last winter. Now I’m in the market for a new one and looking for some suggestions. I would like a 6’6″ or longer one piece (because I have had 2, two piece rods bust on me already) rod with a quick tip but solid backbone either UL or L, budget is 100. Thanks

    Posts: 4033

    Contact trumar and have him make you one!

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    breaking a rod has nothing to do with it being a two piece or a one piece rod.

    The 2 pieces may have been mis aligned or may have been nicked ect…

    Where have the rods broke ? tip section or but section? feel free to give me a call,my number is in my profile where it says full name

    Maybe just build new tip sections ?

    Birnamwood, WI
    Posts: 574

    I was told by my great uncle who used to build rods that a two piece will break before a one piece rod will because a one piece will load better throughout the blank and a two piece puts more stress on the point where the sections meet. I basically accepted that as gospel when I was younger and nobody has told me otherwise really until now. I realize things may have changed significantly since when he was into rod building probably almost 50 or so years ago. It’s definitely interesting to know that there is no difference in the breakability of one vs two piece combos. Thanks

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    What brand of rods broke ?

    Posts: 27

    x3, when you described what you were looking for you actually described this rod breaks the budget only by $10

    Posts: 4033


    x3, when you described what you were looking for you actually described this rod breaks the budget only by $10

    $120 retail plus tax, but you will be lucky to find one for that price anywhere locally. Everywhere I checked were sold out and no more coming until june.

    Posts: 17

    A good setup is the pflueger microguide reel but the rod is around 5 ft so you could choose the reel and a different rod otherwise the reel is very good

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