Gills on the Fly

  • BBKK
    Posts: 4033

    Took the fly rod out for the fist time in a long time. Not good conditions, the shad were spawning and stirring up everything. I did manage to catch a few male bluegill that put up a good fight. Anyone know the name of that fly? It has a small green tail that you cannot see very well in the pictures.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717

    It almost looks like a Comparadun. Technically it’s a Mayfly imitation that gets tied in all sorts of different colors.

    Those ‘gills look very nice!


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Lucky you didn’t hook your hat or a tree….

    Posts: 4033


    Lucky you didn’t hook your hat or a tree….

    No pictures no proof!

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    I never post but this one’s more up my alley. They call it a Sparkle Dun. Simple variation of the Comparadun. The only difference is tail material. The idea is to imitate a mayfly that is still attached to its nymphal shuck and is more vulnerable. May make a difference to selective trout but I doubt Bluegills care.

    Posts: 4033


    I never post but this one’s more up my alley. They call it a Sparkle Dun. Simple variation of the Comparadun. The only difference is tail material. The idea is to imitate a mayfly that is still attached to its nymphal shuck and is more vulnerable. May make a difference to selective trout but I doubt Bluegills care.

    AWESOME! Thank you very much! I’ll tell you how much I know about bugs and flies…. I grabbed it because it had a sparkly green tail and I thought they might like it in the sun. HA HA!

    Some day I will learn the different bugs and what fly to use when, until then I am relying on suggestions from IDO members on what fly to use.

    The funny part is 5 years ago I tied flies. I didnt know what I was doing, I just tied some brown rabbit dubbing to a #10 hook and that’s it. Worked great for stream stocked rainbows, mostly because I think it looked like a food pellet. After I stopped fly fishing 3 years ago I gave away my fly tying stuff. Sort of wish I had it back now, but whatever I’ll just have to buy them online!

    Can someone suggest a fly with some color. Subsurface, not dry. Chartreuse, red, pink.. something like that for when the water is a bit stained. I don’t think the fish could even see my fly half the time today the water was so muddy from the spawning shad.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    There’s definitely a school of thought if it looks buggy it doesn’t have to look pretty. Somebody just commented about muddy water. Basically the two easiest things to see are white & black. I’ve always tended towards darker colors and generally stepped up the size figuring bigger is easier to see as we’ll.

    Posts: 4033

    I really appreciate the help Tegg. Don’t be a stranger, you obviously have a wealth of knowledge to share here. I know I’ll be asking a ton more fly fishing questions in the near future.

    Ed Stern
    Goodhue, MN, Goodhue County,
    Posts: 510

    These are awesome pictures! What do you have for a camera?

    Posts: 4033

    All of my fly fishing pictures were taken with my phone. galaxy s3

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 172

    When I’m Gillin’ with flyrod, I generally like the ant and spider sponge bodies. They just seem to work the best for me. I really like poppers, but man, them Gills are tough on them.

    I agree with the darker/bigger flies in merky water. Fish are looking up and a lighter color will blend into the sky easily…look at nature, most animals/bugs/birds have white undersides…that why.

    Good luck, them Gills are a lotta fun on the fly!


    Posts: 65

    oh I can’t wait my rod is on its way..can’t get here soon enough.

    Shakopee MN
    Posts: 43

    Nice fish!

    I’d have to agree that looks alot like a compara mayfly. The green tail I am going to bet is either caddis green sparkle flash fibers, or could be green fibers with crystal flash alongside of it.
    I use allot of crystal flash when I tie up allot of my flies. Especially the newer UV flash incorporated into them.

    Have not done the gills yet this yr, but the trout fishing just over the border in WI has been just short of bloody amazing!!
    Probably the best yr of trout fishng I have had my whole life!

    Posts: 17

    If younreally want to hammer them try a wooly bugger I like olive black and brown or purple orange and black. Also if you have any trails by your house try walking them and see if you can find a pond and if you do ,look in it.

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