Yeah, I’d brag 2

  • Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I was out to training last week but the co-workers were quick to hunt me down this morning for some bragging. 1st one that found me at 5:45am had a pic of a 28.5″ eye from Mille Lacs. The second co-worker that found me had a pic of a 19″ crappie which I thought was pretty impressive so I snapped a couple of pics of the pic to share with y’all. He wouldn’t say where but he did say he got it on a shiner fishing after dark for walleye. Enjoy

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1123

    Wow-that is a nice fish, especially up here!

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    That’s definitely one awesome crappie.
    Sure would love to catch one like that someday.
    Especially from waters this far north.

    Congrats to whoever the lucky angler was that caught it!

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    Yea, I would take that trophy over most anything else! I would have thought it came from down south had not been told different. Monster there… even better from the northland.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I’d much rather catch a 19″ crappie over a 28.5″ eye. That’s a fish of a lifetime right there!

    I think we all would! That fish is reDONKulous.

    Posts: 7348



    I’d much rather catch a 19″ crappie over a 28.5″ eye. That’s a fish of a lifetime right there!

    I think we all would! That fish is reDONKulous.


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13378

    Heck I would be bragging about a 13 or 14″ crappie. Very nice fish.

    Posts: 364

    I think Uncle Rico at work may have got ya on the crappie.
    Google 19 inch crappie

    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193

    No way.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    I think Uncle Rico at work may have got ya on the crappie.
    Google 19 inch crappie

    I think you’re right

    This will make for some interesting truth be told around here today and tomorrow….that sunofa

    Posts: 1455

    That story posted doesn’t even make sense. Says the dude is from Wisconsin in the beginning and later in the story says he’s from St. Louis.

    Posts: 4517

    He got Ya, ask him to bring it in…

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Uncle Rico!!!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Kick him in the balls for us.

    Brent Yeakey
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 553


    That story posted doesn’t even make sense. Says the dude is from Wisconsin in the beginning and later in the story says he’s from St. Louis.

    Another problem. The article says he kept his limit of 25…. The limit is 10 on Menomin……oops.

    Posts: 8

    Oh Dang, thats a nice crappie.

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