I’ve been sneaking over to Foster before the sun gets up and the world is half tolerable for the last couple mornings to fish trout. Weds and Thrus both were fished with spinners and both of those days i caught a couple trout and a couple crappies. While unhooking the crappies on both days they spit out their last meal and it looked more like a winter meal than a summer one. Small pumpkinseed sunfish were the mainstays of the content that the fish spit our. By small, I am talking about sunnies about 2/3 to an inch in length. That got my plastic brain working and here’s what I came up with.
These guys were made by applying the orange plastic in the bottom of the belly cavity using a dip stick, then hand pouring the transparent belly color in using a modified spoon. The top color was shot in over the top after the blocks were closed. They are finished with the eyes and a clear top dip down to the start of the tail.
A similar bait was done a while back but only had a throat dot of orange and the belly color carries just a hint of yellow in these.
I hung one of these on a jig and made my short jaunty this am and had pretty decent luck on both the trout and the crappies. I only fished about 40 minutes today before the bugs and humidity chased me off the shore but in that time I managed 10 fish with one rainbow running right up to 19 inches.
By the time I got that bow landed it had 42 pounds of slop weeds added to the bulk on the end of the line. The reservoirs are getting almost impossible to fish without being ON the water. The trout were tough on my little plastic, tearing out one of the eyes, but it still can be fished. I’ll find out what the plastic’s limits are in the morning. lol