Dusty-Got the graph from a boat dealer and I think they prefer if you contact the manufacturer, the dealership in fact is closed right now. Not in the mood to try to figure things out by floating my vex ducer, I would rather fish visible structure than do that (good idea though, might just change my mind) Easy enough to say you will just find the breakline and follow it, then you get out there and you remember that even small lakes are dang big when you are looking for something like that (an acre is a football field, so a small lake might still be 100 football fields) Crappies this time of year can be very concentrated, which can make them very hard to find, but awesome if you do! Thanks for all the tips, keep them coming.
As far as safety I went to a lake I knew, lake has no humps, took it slow by shore, and this oldish guy loves his power tilt and trim.