Aaaahhhhhh. I see said the blind man.
Gator Hunter
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Mississippi River » Mississippi River – Panfish » Lake Onalaska Update
I thought it was “I see said the blind carpenter when he picked up his hammer and saw.”
HEY NOW!! I DO NOT take home 3lb. bass
….or any bass for that matter….unless it is dead.
I think you have me confused w/that local from the GTG.
….unless it is dead.
Is that why you smash them on the ice when they come out of the hole? Slop Bass, the guilt free meat eater.
Hold on here fella’s, how did i turn into a BASS KILLER all of a sudden???
Take her easy big fella.
If she’s easy, take her twice!!!!
BTW, it was a play on that guy at the GTG in Prairie.
i know bro!! I’m the biggest jokster around…
who are you referring to in that last comment about “her”
Will she be at the BFI?
Only if you order in a little “gin” from the “mill”.
I’m ont sure if they have take out or not!!
lol…i’ve had some “gin” from the “mill”
and yes..this does pertain to fishing…in a way
Anyway..I wonder how Watson is doing out there today?
Well, I made it out alive . Went to Black Deer late this morning and did great, if you do not mind a zillion gills and bass under 3 inches
. But, I will say it was interesting on the ice. The ice is covered, duh, with snow and we went to an area I have never fished before. We went in at the Boy Scout access area. Well, we went to our first spot without a hitch. The ice was probably 6 inches or so and very clean. Small marmooskas tipped with either waxies or red spikes would pick tiny fish up one right after another. After awhile we decided to move to try and find some bigger fish. Now remember the ice is covered. As we were walking along, we started to hear the ice make noises that were not cool
. It was making cracking sounds every time we took a step, which was not too many. Kicked the snow away and drilled a hole. Drilling the hole took, oh say a nano second
. It did not take too long to sloooowly back away from there
. All along the shore was open water with thousands of shad swimming with their backs sticking out of the water. I still can’t beleive there is 16 inches on the big lake and only a few inches at Black Deer. You could also see many areas that had bad ice. The snow in these areas was melted or really low compared to the rest of the areas. All in all it was still a good day, I ended my string of skunked outings. The wind was not too bad on the walk in, but brutal on the way back out
. The tears from the wind froze to your eyelids and frost bit the lungs just a little
. I can not imagine what it was like on the main part of the lake.
Watson…we were worried about ya….Glad you made it out.
…I have to work thursday late 1p.m.-9:30p.m…..I’ll probably be getting up and going out on the ice early….Are you goin out?
I have to make some calls to see if I have any work to do this week or not. If not, I will be out somewhere, more than likely on the lake or maybe I should make a pre-fish trip to Lawrence. After today, I know I can hook the smallest fish to win the pot
. It takes a good fisherman to lip hook a 3 inch bass
. I will let you know what I have going on as soon as I find something out, should be in a couple of hours or so.
Anyone else interested in going out tomorrow other than Watson, let us know (me) know by 6a.m. or so.
I am not sure if the Pm I sent you went through (SlopBass). If it didn’t, I will be out, but a little later. The wife has class in the morning. Debating on where to go on the lake. Wonder if I should bring the Otter or the Trap scout. It is going to be veeeeery coooooold
. Where are you going to be?
Yeah i got it…I should be out a little after day break…I’ll be out by the airport lights somewhere….Anyone else who might be out…Look for my White Dodge Ram and my Blue Clam2000. I’ve also got In-Depth Stickers on my truck…
Wats–see you in the a.m. sometime.
Fished Monday A.M. for a couple of hours at Blackdeer with little success but at least the shad are starting to die. I drilled two holes and could see several dead shad on the bottom and the others were very moving very slow. You are right about the ice; only about 2-3 inches where I fished with some open water. I went past Genoa today and there was one brave(stupid) soul out there. Still open water all around him. Dresbach had a couple of guys out there. Anyone know the ice conditions there or by the bay with the rock wall, would like to try this weekend.
Well well well……Where do I begin???
First off….It was a pleasure meeting WATSON this morning….Great guy to fish with!!!
We had some good conversation, but that was about it because the fish were NOT biting for shizzle.
I showed up and he already had 1 nice perch in the bucket and said he had caught 1 other one…So we were thinking, Good start, it’s gonna be a good morning. Boy were we wrong
. I don’t think we saw a single ‘gill for hours..It was too cold outside to go hole hopping..And to make matters worse, I must of had half a dozen GOOD SIZE BASS
come up to my jig and then just roll on by
. Wats caught one more bruiser gill…but that was it.
Oh well…It was still fun to be out…Thanks Watson!
Hopefully Lawrence Lake will produce come saturday.
Frustrating ain’t it? These bass were bruisers , but they were like many women, just teasers
. Slop Bass is definitely a good guy. Even as slow and I mean slow as it was, he didn’t complain at all. I wish I could have put us on a better spot, but it was too cold too move around once the Otter was warm. At least we know there are still some good bass swimming around
. I am not sure what Slop was using on his jigs, but the bass were swarming him. I had a few gills, perch, and a small northern swim through. I guess I am going to have to get around him a little more so his bass attracting skills can rub on me
. All in all it was a good time. When the fishing is this slow good conversation sure makes the time fly.
I will be heading out to fishermans road tomorrow morning. (way back in the bay) has anyone been over that way lately? The last two times did not really produce for me. I am still nervious about driving on that ice otherwise I would make a trip out to the middle and join the rest of you I doubt it would be worth walking out there in this cold?!?
Well I will be in a clam 5600 – hopefully I will have a better system this time and not get blown around the ice (should be enough snow)
Why don’t you come to Lawrence Lake w/us tomorrow????? The lake has been pretty slow…but you don’t have to worry about driving on it…I was out there yesterday and there was a solid 18″ of ice…
Went and spent the afternoon on the lake again
. The weather outside was frightenin but inside the otter was delightfull
. Anyway, not much too report. Started off where Slop Bass and I were yesterday with nothing at all going on there. I then moved to the crib area below Marge’s. I did end up catching a bunch of little perch right off bottom using forage minnow and a speckled teardrop. Forgot the vex
, otherwise I might have tried a little harder to find the craps in the area. Life is hard with a handicap…( no vex). It was cold enough I brought out the big gun heater. Then it was so warm I was almost down to my bermuda shorts, sandals, and hawiian shirt
. But, it was nice and peaceful with the sun shining and very few people around.
Is there a big gathering around the tip of the island by the airport lights again this year? Last year it looked like a convention there! If you’re fishing the cribs are you coming in from Shafers or French Island? I’ve always been a little spooked driving out there too but it seems like a pretty good idea when you’re draggin your shanty. Sounds like Lawrence Lake is the only place that is producing anything lately anyway.
The big group has not started yet by the runway lights this year. It has been very slow around the lake. The lake also has a good 16+ inches of ice in most areas. I have run into patches of 10 inch ice. If unfamiliar with the lake and you want to drive on it, just stick to the roads that are already formed that lead to the main fishing areas. I go to the cribs from Schaefers, although they are also not producing real well right now. Must be all fished out .
If you want to drive to anywhere on that lake….don’t drive from fisherman’s road over to the lights….ALWAYS go from Shafer’s ….As you come around that bend from fisherman’s road, you can see where the two ICE Glaciers meet and there is a large Crack in the ice
. Plus the current picks up as you get closer to the Onalaska Spillway. I might trust it w/a 4 wheeler or something…But not my Umpteen thousand dollar truck
…Other than that, the ice is completely safe to drive on.
Anybody heading to the lake in the morning? I and a friend are heading out around 8:30 or so. We will probably start around the runway lights and maybe move around that area until we can find some little fishies. Might play with the tipups tomorrow as well. The weather is going to be a heat wave and another front is coming in. Might be what it takes to get the fish to open their lips a little.
Or maybe Dresbach… after seeing all the people there this evening might be worth a shot. Too many decisions .
Went out this afternoon to try and find some fish. I found one , but that was all
. So fishing continues to be slow by the runway lights. Also used tipups to no avail. The fish have to be in that lake somewhere but the million dollar question is where?
Ok I have been reading the posts and noticing you guys arent doing too hot…I havent been out to fish since last week but i can say that 22 if you go away from the billions of little crappie catchers, and head for where the island makes a little inlet, you can catch some jumbos….biggest gills of the year i caught there a week ago (18). Also, if you head to fishermens road and go straight out and a little right frmo the end…find 4 feet of water with weeds and use a glow jig you can get some really nice ones….good luck, too bad I have school or i would be there every day
All this time and FishinAddict has been on a hot bite
I’m heading out tomorrow after work (i’m done at 3p.m.) to try and find some bruisers…..anyone else gonna be out and about?…I haven’t made a decision on where yet..but let me know if you’re around.
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