Pool 9 Crappie

  • bosman
    DeSoto, WI
    Posts: 913

    Daughter’s 14 & under league softball tourney consumed the entire day yesterday – 9:00am to 9:00pm….
    Was gonna return to “gill-ville” – the site of the slaughter last weekend – but was more curious to see what those black-dot crappie’s were up to. Dumped the FB in old man river at 8:00am this morning. Fished a couple of wing-dings just to see of any walleye were still roaming around. Notta…picked up to two short LMB in about an hours worth of fishing throwing cranks & popping jigs. Pretty slow.
    Fished several snags for crappie up in the Indian with no luck. Lot of gar knifing the surface. Wasn’t until I pulled the FB along side a snag in the mouth of a slough just off the the main channel did we find some quality fish. 1/32oz black jig head tipped with a minnow found itself in the water first. A white mini-mite was a close second. The cork on the live rig didn’t remain above the water all too long. Hook-set, half a dozen cranks with a flip into the boat and we had are first crappie of the day. For the next hour and half or so my co-pilot & I boated 11 slabs. Co-pilot picked the perch up off bottom on a nightcrawler – of all things. Biggest slab was a little over 12 & 3-quarters. Fish were real particular and you had to work pretty hard to trigger a strike. Best tactic was a very a slow retreive….just keeping the bobber moving a bit. Not a sinlge hit on plastic. All on minnows. Lot of “nosing” the minnow going on too. Hopefully the crappie bite picks up a bit in the upcoming weeks…

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