Setups for bluegills on wing dams

  • garvi
    Posts: 1137

    Ok, what is everyone favorite set up for bluegills on wingdams once they are on them. I would like to get my inlaws out in the pontoon to get them some panfish action.

    Thanks in advance for the info

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 162

    slip bobber or drop shot w/ 2 hooks. top hook crappie and the bottom for sunnies and walleye.

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    I usually find them on the dams with a little less flow. Once found anchor a casts length above the dam. I like a plain gold wire hook with a split or lindy of some sort. A small piece of crawler is all it usually takes. Also,if you don’t get into big gills right away then move,it seems the smaller gills hang out in big packs.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I use a slip bobber now and then but also like to pitch a 1/32oz jig tipped with 1/2 a crawler. You will loose a few jigs but not many. They are small enough that they don’t get hung up in the rock as much as heavier jigs.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    My dad also anchors a cast above the dam. My dad has been fishing gills off of wingdams longer than anyone I know. He does not use a bobber. He uses a small long-shank hook with small smashed-up pieces of nightcrawler. He uses a split shot or two for weight. Barbless hooks work very well for bluegill. You do not lose many if any fish due to no barb and the fish are so much easier to unhook. With quicker unhooks you get to spend all that extra time catching more fish. Plus you are not taking as great a chance at injuring the fish you are throwing back.

    My dad also targets dams with low current flow but I’ve found a few dams with higher current flow that the gillies like to hang on. When you find them on a dam with a little more current then the gills seem to be bigger.


    Manchester, Iowa
    Posts: 427

    We did well on the sippi earlier this week using a few split shot above a knot in the end of the line and a number 6 mustad aberdeen about a foot above that with a half a crawler. Call it a makeshift dropshot – sure works slick and we had NO snags. Even my 7 year old was having great luck with it. Try it out! Chuckles

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