A couple of us from work (including our boss), a retiree, some friends and my brother in law played hookie from work today to fish for crappies on pool 8. This has turned into an annual event where we meet at Neutron’s house afterwards for a fish fry on an open fire, a few brewski’s and some great potato, bean and coleslaw dishes that Neutron’s wife makes for us.
Look at the size of that frying pan Neutron is using.
Now I’ve eaten a lot of fish in my day but something about cooking them over an open fire in a cast iron skillet is just plain delicious and Neutron is a pro at doing this.
The day fishing was great, decent weather (dry) and some nice crappies caught, enough to send us all on our way with an expanding waist line. As we started the fish fry the weather got a little damp
but who noticed with a meal like that and a Michelob.
Early in the morning my brother in law Mike and I found some nice crappies in about 10 FOW using chartreuse jigs and a chartreuse Swedish Pimple. After tying several different areas and all of my Forage Minnow colors with limited success we ended up back where we started but anchored in 15 FOW and set our lines for 6 – 8 FOW. The setup in this area was a white 1/16 oz. jig under a slip bobber with a minnow on and jigging with a 1/16 oz. jig with a pink/white tube on and a minnow. We sorted out quite a few smaller crappies but also caught some nice eaters as well. A few small walleyes were also caught and released and a nice one was lost next to my boat.
That sure was a great way to spend a Thursday – fishing with friends and a great fish fry to end the day. Have a great weekend on the water everyone.