Hows the panfish bite on pool 4?

  • suckerslayer
    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 433

    I hope to get out of the house for a few hours in the next couple of days and am wondering how the bite is near Nelson/Wabasha? Any info or tips would be greatly appriciated.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    A fishing buddy was down there mid week and he said he caught alot of small sunnies and a few good ones for a meal. Had to sort through the small ones to get the good ones. Small ice jig with a waxie usually catches fish there. Last Monday we caught alot of fish too but again had to sort through small ones to get bigger ones. The best fish come from the cleaner water areas.
    Thanks, Bill

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Pontoon was a dog yesterday. All small fish and the place was noisey and busy. The lack of ice is beginning to show as more and more anglers are crowding into and onto areas where the ice is yet viable. That takes its toll.

    In all honesty, take a long rod and fish the up-stream side of the road as you go to Nelson. There are some nice snarls in the open water that are reachable and the crappies and sunfish will be available there.

    On water
    Posts: 817


    Pontoon was a dog yesterday. All small fish and the place was noisey and busy. The lack of ice is beginning to show as more and more anglers are crowding into and onto areas where the ice is yet viable. That takes its toll.

    I’ve heard people talk about pontoon and then mention beef slough. Are they the same thing? If so has any one heard how the fishing is in beef slough? Any one been making the walk across big lake?

    On water
    Posts: 817


    I’ve heard people talk about pontoon and then mention beef slough. Are they the same thing?

    Never mind I answered my own question. I’m still wondering if any one has done much on beef slough. I’m not looking for spots and I’m not keeping fish. I’m well supplied with eyes already in the freezer. I’m just looking for some pike/bass action and some gills to keep occupied waiting for flags. PM me if you’d rather not talk about it here.



    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    There have been just a few areas that have retained good ice this past month, and thus they really got hammered.
    I scouted around yesterday and found that Pontoon Sleugh was one of the only areas that had fishermen on it. With the turn in temps, we should have good ice in mnay other areas some time next week. Since many of those areas have not received much presuure, we really have a chance at another first ice. Remember to use caution regardless of where you go!

    Good Fishing,

    On water
    Posts: 817

    Mike or anyone else,

    Have you heard of anyone or think the walk across big lake to fish the slough by catfish should be safe enough?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443


    Mike or anyone else,

    Have you heard of anyone or think the walk across big lake to fish the slough by catfish should be safe enough?

    Not yet.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 136

    Pontoon was slow again today. Lots of light biting 2-5 inch gills. After getting away from the crowds I was able to get some decent fish, mostly crappies but nothing to write home about. It amazes me how some people can get any meat out of a 5 inch gill, cause I sure saw allot of them flopping on the ice.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Gut’em and scale’em
    Nut’in better…just fry in butter mmmmmmmmm

    Byron MN
    Posts: 136

    If i cant catch a fish over 5 inches I just figure I dont deserve to eat. To each his own

    On water
    Posts: 817


    If i cant catch a fish over 5 inches I just figure I dont deserve to eat. To each his own


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