Pool 7 Crappies are Hot!!

  • blue-fleck
    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    My Dad talked me into trying for some Crappies yesterday. I was very happy that I took him up on the offer. We probably caught close to 50 for the morning. We went through a large scoop of minnows as they were all we really needed. Mini-Mites worked, but nothing was going to out-produce minnows for us. I grabbed 3 out of the bucket for a quick photo before they hit the frying pan. The smallest one in the group is over 10″.

    The rain was the only bad part of the morning, but it wasn’t hard to ignore the rain when those Crappies were biting as well as they were.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    any pattern information?

    Minnows….& some trees….

    You might think that’s me being a smarty pants, but that’s about it. The trees we fished had at least 5ft of water under them. When I fish Crappies, I usually divide the water depth in half and start from there. So if you were to fish a hole with 10ft of water, I’d start fishing at 5ft and adjust up or down from there. That’s depending on water clarity and amount of sunlight also.

    Most of these fish were caught relatively shallow in the water column. The sun was buried behind layers of clouds & rain so they weren’t too deep yesterday.

    If it had been a bright sunny day, those Crappies may have been deeper and more closely related to the surrounding structure.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Are they usually in current, no current, light current?

    Man, I used to love crappie fishing as a kid, but I haven’t done it for so long, I have no idea on what to do or what type of habitat to look at.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    The current is so slow right now, I think you would have a hard time finding current outside of the main channel. The backwater sloughs are almost stagnant.

    If you want to go out and give it a try, just holler. I see the weather pattern is trending to warmer and sunnier conditions. That could change the bite.

    If the Crappies aren’t willing to bite, it’s not too hard to find some willing Sunfish. We caught a few of those on minnows too.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Nice crappies Blue
    I’ll bet them gills on the minnows were pigs. Normally when you have gills slamming minnows, there 9 plus inches

    Think I might have to chase crappies this weekend. Thanks for the heads up

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Actually, the sunfish we caught on those minnows weren’t keepers. I wish I could say we did keep some gills, but we didn’t.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Nice fish…
    I know I would not mind getting into some of that action. I fished for crappies this year and had no luck at all. Spring was good but again nothing near the size of those river crappies you have shown here.

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