gills on the wingdams

  • john_r
    LaCrosse Wi
    Posts: 306

    Tuesday nite went fishing on the dams. Was really going to fish for eyes until the crawler kept getting hit and was missing the fish. Si I downsized to a small hook, small sinker and a piece of crawler. Thowing in front of and on top of the dams got me a fish on almost every cast. Now there were alot of smaller gills but also some very nice sized ones as well. If ya have any kids that would like alot of action I would certainly think it is a good time to get out there. Of course us older kids like that kind of action as well. good luck fishing…John

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Good to hear. The gills are active on the Black River now also. Time for a fish fry

    The biggest nightcrawler bed in all of Minneapolis
    Posts: 189

    John–I’m hitting pool 4 tomorrow and plan on trying this technique as I saw three guys on a wing dam catching bluegills hand over fist last weekend. Care to tell if the fish came closer to shore or nearer the tip of the dam? Thanks….Juggs.

    LaCrosse Wi
    Posts: 306

    I was anchored on the end of the dam. To catch the gills, I had to throw toward shore side. I was still quite a ways from shore. I would just move along the dam, if they are on one it will take only a second to find out. They usually strike it right away. Also, be sure to throw over the top and to the back side of the dam, I have had good luck doing this also. Good luck–John

    Posts: 814

    last weekend we were throwing road runners below the wing dams for smallies and catching alot of real nice gills as well.

    Posts: 973

    Last Thursday I anchored right on top of a wing dam on Pool 5A and caught numerous sunfish in only about 3-4 feet of water. All I needed was a split shot, a piece of crawler and a hook. I also caught a few in the sloughs, but for the most part they are on the dams.

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