icefishing the backwaters

    Posts: 304

    Knowing how tight-lipped river rats can be…especially about their panfish spots,this post may very well be a waste of time but here goes.For the 19+ years I have lived near and ice-fished various backwaters on pool 3,I have watched them degrade to the point that most of them aren’t worth fishing anymore.What has happened you may ask?One word…sedimentation.Gone are the days when I could be there,set up and fishing inside of a half an hour.So,my quest is to travel downstream in hopes of again ice-fishing some productive waters.Now I don’t expect anyone to divulge the whereabouts of their secret honey hole,{though I might consider being blindfolded to be taken there }some general info would be helpful.A trip swap may be another option as,being an avid hardwater guy,I usually get into them somewhere,sometime during the course of a season.PM me if you like.Any help is much appreciated.Thanks,Mike

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    I don’t know if you’ll find many people who can disagree with you that the fishing throughout the entire MVR has degraded over the last ten years to the point where a lot of people would rather sit at home and talk about the good ol’ days than head out in wintry bluster. There are still some pretty good spots down on 10, haven’t ice-fished on 11 for a few years, but would guess that it’s not too terribly bad given the number of crappies caught in the summer.

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 483

    Troutman, I don’t know what the situation on panfish on Pool 3 is but I think the fishing on Pools 10 and 11 are the best they’ve been in the last 10 years. The long term prognosis is not good (although the dredging in the Bertam Lake area should keep fishing there good for many years to come.) due to sedimentation but their are many areas on Pool 10 especially that are good right now. If you make it down this way look me up and I would be glad to give you an idea on a few spots to try.
    Come on cold weather, I need my ice!

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1846

    I agree with Troutman as far as sedimentation in the backwater. Over ther last 20 years I have seen many places start to fill up. It is just sad, but a product of decisions made 70 years ago when the river was dammed.
    Troutman, PM me if you’d like to try a couple of the remaining spots on Pool 4 that I have left.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Once the backwaters freeze if you drive down to Wabasha and go over the bridge and head toward Nelson Wisc. you will see several backwater areas on your right side where there will be alot of people ice fishing. It the areas between Wabasha and Nelson Wisc. I’m talking about. Good luck and if you try them or any other place please feel free to post a report on how you do. Thanks, Bill

    Hiawatha, Iowa
    Posts: 235

    Have you the Lacroose area? Round Lake, the East channel, The Hospital Pit, The huge onalaska Lake area… Just concentrate on the dead water areas. Down here on 10, 11, & 12 we’ve got our share of good fishing, but it’s just spotty. Right now I’m praying for 2 inches of snow to make pulling my Ice sled easier & then very cold weather Let’s make Ice and party on dudes!!! {John}

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    How about some thick hard ice and then get the snow to pull the sled easier as I probably weigh more than you do! lol

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Hey Bill you hit that right on the head.Lets get lots and lots of ice before snow. I hate slush and I’m no string bean either. I like a lot of ice under my feet before I venture out. Time to go hunting see you all later. Steve

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Hey Steve, I also hunt , but I hunt with a fishing rod-hunt for fish! lol. Take care, Bill

    Posts: 304

    Thanks for all the replies and info guys.We should be on the hard water soon with the weather as cold as it’s been.A heads up when they’re on the ice would be appreciated.Thanks again,Mike

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