We listen to them about gear, locations, strategies, etc. Why wouldn’t we listen to them about fisheries management. IDO team isn’t on the video… but I’d guess their sentiment is along the same lines as the guys interviewed.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Panfish Regs
Panfish Regs
Tom Sawvell
InactivePosts: 9559January 4, 2019 at 3:02 pm #1823138This is a great video with a ton of good, valid, ideas. Now if we could get the dnr to adapt some of their ideas.
Jeff Telander
Posts: 125January 4, 2019 at 6:19 pm #1823175“Eat lots of perch.” … I’d love to as perch are my favorite fish to eat. The problem is that every lake in MN has dinks in it. Where’d the jumbos go? And no, I’m not driving 9 hours to ND to get them. Mille used to be loaded with them. What happened? I’d blame fishermen and Muskies before zebra mussels.
Jeff Telander
Posts: 125January 4, 2019 at 6:20 pm #1823176Good video, though. Those are the guys we should have setting our regs. Not some desk jockey.
tim hurley
Posts: 6033January 4, 2019 at 8:27 pm #1823207Desk Jockey? You would have a hard time finding anyone at the DNR that is not an outdoor sportsperson one way or another. Many who work on regs also work in the field and post on this site looking for imput.
Posts: 959January 4, 2019 at 9:36 pm #1823215The jumbo perch are on the Mississippi ….. pool 4 specifically. I like them in beer batter, in butter, rolled in flour, or just broiled. Nom nom nom !! These are 11” perch…..they made a darn good turd.
Jeff Telander
Posts: 125January 4, 2019 at 10:42 pm #1823234I wasn’t being literal as far as the desk jockey comment. Apparently sarcasm doesn’t translate via text. What I meant was that the pros in this video obviously have their finger on the pulse and I appreciate their knowledge. Didn’t mean to offend or take away from anyone’s outdoorsmanship.
January 7, 2019 at 8:27 am #1823672So here is what I find interesting. We have regs for a reason… because left to their own actions, people will abuse the resource and ruin it. Many want stricter regs to protect the resource… which I agree with. But talking regulation is a polarizing subject. The people that want to loosen the regs are usually the SAME people that the regs are protecting against. So if sportsman… fisherman and hunters… would self regulate their harvest, regardless of the limit then this would be less of an issue. So in other words… just because the flathead limit is 25… realize that I don’t need 25 catfish to feed my family (1 is good actually) and only keep one. Many folks do this already. But most don’t… they keep their limit and say thats what the DNR says they can keep so I’m gonna keep them. Then when a fishery gets hit too hard over a winter or something… its the DNR’s fault for having the limits too high.
Buffalo Fishhead
Posts: 310January 7, 2019 at 1:56 pm #1823854While there are some good points in the video, there is some BS as well.
I have a difficult time accepting the recommendations of folks that either don’t understand or just refuse to use the correct terminology when describing proposed “special” regulations. I guess the term “slot limit” has totally lost it’s meaning. A few times in the video it was mentioned, “there needs to be a slot limit to protect the large fish, like no harvest of fish over 9 inches.”
What is described is a maximum size limit, not a slot limit! You tend to lose credibility if you don’t use the correct terminology.
The bottom line is in many waters anglers have become very proficient at harvesting fish and in doing so have altered the population structure.
Buffalo Fishhead
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