
  • tim hurley
    Posts: 5989

    Anyone have ideas for where to get pannies out there? We have a tuck with 4wd and legs? Know the snow is getting bad-would hire a guide too if thats what it takes!

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    Here’s the latest fishing report for Vermillion. not much help for pannies as I’m sure everyone is focusing on eyes the next couple weeks.
    Mckinley park has a plowed road out of it but it’s maintained by some of the locals I think so after all the snow we had and more to come you can’t be sure of what you’re going to find once you get up there.

    I don’t know of any hard water guides up there but I think there has got to be someone doing it. Anyhow here is the report from the Outdoor News.


    Walleyes continue to be found in 20 to 30 feet, mainly along the breaks of most reefs. The Fish House Reef area in Big Bay or mouth of Pike Bay have been two of the better areas this week. Crappie reports have been limited, but northern pike remain active in the shallow bays over 10 to 12 feet.

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