Your going to find that in order to bring out the brightest color in a florescent paint, you need to first put down a light white undercoat.
I quit farting around painting spring bobbers, and just went to making my own with 6-8″ 27lb brown colored, single strand wire leader material and formed a loop that was 3-4″ long, and added a tiny bead to “hold the loop”, and then added either a florescent orange or yellow styrofoam body at the loop in the end. then added a dab of super glue to hold it all in place. You can make the loop as big as you want… The styrofoam body is the type used for making crawler harnesses for walleye fishing.
I then fly tie them to the end of the rod. Should the wire break for some reason, and they do, just cut the thread off and install another one… They work great for jig fishing, and you can go to a bit heavier wire to make one that’ll handle jigging spoons just as good.