Never heard? No internet or TV where I’m at.. Thanks.

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Yeah silly question of course they did. I have a feeling we’ll win out after this.
Never heard? No internet or TV where I’m at.. Thanks.
Yet you posted on an Internet forum….
Yeah how’s it feel to get every favorable call in the book , not too mention Rodgers is a fairy . Wish the refs liked the Sam Bradford and the Vikings that much
Yeah how’s it feel to get every favorable call in the book , not too mention Rodgers is a fairy . Wish the refs liked the Sam Bradford and the Vikings that much
It’s good to get all that anger out of your system. I’d hate to see you spontaneously combust.
Yeah how’s it feel to get every favorable call in the book , not too mention Rodgers is a fairy . Wish the refs liked the Sam Bradford and the Vikings that much
You really going to start this BS already??? Oh the refs don’t like us
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Morel King wrote:</div>
Yeah how’s it feel to get every favorable call in the book , not too mention Rodgers is a fairy . Wish the refs liked the Sam Bradford and the Vikings that muchYou really going to start this BS already??? Oh the refs don’t like us
Hey Sticker see Targa’s post about anger above. Good to see you letting it out.
Everyone, and I mean everyone in the box, even the penalty expert said that was a penalty in the end zone. They received a couple gifts via missed calls, that’s a fact. Good game though. Don’t get so worked up, we still have 15 weeks to go!
Vikings fan here: I propose we let things be settled on the field this year! How do they do that? Beat the Packers. Splitting the season series would be acceptable. If not, I dare say the Pack would be the better team. If they win the division and the Vikings don’t, they’re the better team. Calls don’t go our way? That really sucks, but find a way to win the game without it coming down to a few calls. Seems simple to me. I want the Vikings to do well but fighting over all the et cetera stuff on the internet won’t hang a banner (apparantly sneaking materials into the stadium will, though).
even erin rogers lovefest aikman and buck commented.. you know its bad when they do. aikmen said the refs cost seattle 2 td’s, instead they got 3 pts…. do the math.
I hate it when the announcers dwell on ref calls that in their opinion are not correct. It would not be so bad, but then they bring it back up over and over throughout the game. They need to concentrate on the play and not what happened 3 quarters ago.
even erin rogers lovefest aikman and buck commented.. you know its bad when they do. aikmen said the refs cost seattle 2 td’s, instead they got 3 pts…. do the math. [/quote
Aikmens is a tool he’s wrong half of the time. Do that math. Solid defensively, was refreshing to see that part of the game.
I watched about 10 minutes of the game. Sounded like the game was being called by CNN. was ready to puke and turned it off. Really don’t care who wins or looses. I just miss playing the game and the adrenaline rush on impact.
cheesy math… according to manlove aikmen… 20-17 sea chickens. just sayin’.. can someone post a shot of the Lane punch ?
It’s week 1, the Vikes haven’t even taken the field yet and yet you guys are already out here with your “yeah, but if the REFS had done their jobs, then the score would have been. . . ” BS?!? Yawwwwn.
1. The Lane ejection was a bad/phantom call. Refs mess up sometimes. This isn’t a new thing. It also didn’t affect the outcome of the play in question.
2. The block in the back call on the same play probably gets called 50% of the time.
“You really going to start this BS already??? Oh the refs don’t like us bawling bawling bawling LAME”
this is fun
Your fun isn’t scheduled to start until 8pm tonight.
I did not see the game. From here it looks like the packers got over. just consulted with myself.
Their uniforms looked awful
It’s week 1, the Vikes haven’t even taken the field yet and yet you guys are already out here with your “yeah, but if the REFS had done their jobs, then the score would have been. . . ” BS?!? Yawwwwn.
1. The Lane ejection was a bad/phantom call. Refs mess up sometimes. This isn’t a new thing. It also didn’t affect the outcome of the play in question.
2. The block in the back call on the same play probably gets called 50% of the time.
pass the crack pipe, you had enough. (it only affected that play and the rest of the game)
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>
this is fun![]()
Your fun isn’t scheduled to start until 6pm tonight.
there i fixed fer ya!!!!!!!!!!!
Good to see the purple guys are in midseason excuse mode green bay won but I agree the block in the back call was weak. The throw into the end zone was not catchable in bounds. They should be turned around and pushed him out of bounds. There’s no way he comes down with that catch. No more force out Rule viking fans seeing how the refs hate you lol.
If we can’t complain about the refs in week one what week are we allowed to start?
My hopes aren’t too high for the purple tonight, if they win it’ll probably be due to the defense.
I want to Peterson fumble in the redzone and returned.
And don’t forget, kickoff is at 6:10
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Morel King wrote:</div>
Yeah how’s it feel to get every favorable call in the book , not too mention Rodgers is a fairy . Wish the refs liked the Sam Bradford and the Vikings that muchYou really going to start this BS already??? Oh the refs don’t like us
I was surprised Rodgers sexuallity was called out so quickly. That doesn’t usually commence until ice drinking season…
You really going to start this BS already??? Oh the refs don’t like us
I was surprised Rodgers sexuallity was called out so quickly. That doesn’t usually commence until ice drinking season…
You purple peter eaters are all the same hence your teams name VIQUEENS
You really going to start this BS already??? Oh the refs don’t like us
I was surprised Rodgers sexuallity was called out so quickly. That doesn’t usually commence until ice drinking season…
I’m not sure you understood our posts Mike…
You purple peter eaters are all the same hence your teams name VIQUEENS
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