Wilton, WI
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Now what fun is that? The Pack sucks right now and everyone knows it. What that makes the Vikings since we beat them, you tell me. Yes they have a better record right now but I think the last game of the year may be for the division.
Vikings have a decent defense (no purple people eaters) but decent, a great running back that is basically carrying the team, and a serviceable QB. I don’t think Teddy is the long term answer but I could be wrong. Diggs looks like the real deal.
Hopefully Green Bay will get a couple key players healthy, Quarless although not a world beater TE would make a huge difference, he is at least twice what Rodgers is at TE.
Minnesota guys please take your comments to the other packer thread. Serious pack fans only in this one.
I see green bay opted out of the color rush jersies also. I was looking foward to watching cheese curds with legs running out onto the field.
Tuff break on loosing the center. As it was mentioned the lions have been scored the most on in the second half looking on the bright side for ya.
Wow. This offense is offensive. Rogers looks like a deer in the headlights.
Well if they arent the better team, the NFL just keeps giving them breaks until they come out on top. Go figure, seen it a hundred times. All about $$$$ and they need Rodgers in the playoffs.
Fun game to watch congrats packers.
With that said geeze detroit you guys sure dont no how to close out a game. Poor takeling and only 3 rushers on the last play against a guy that has an arm like that.
Greenbay had a great scheme on that last throw. Every lion was behind yellow jersies.
Well if they arent the better team, the NFL just keeps giving them breaks until they come out on top. Go figure, seen it a hundred times. All about $$$$ and they need Rodgers in the playoffs.
Now that is funny!!!
“Rule 12, Section 2, Article 5 of the NFL Rule Book (page 81) states that “no player shall twist, turn, or pull the face mask of an opponent in any direction.” The Rule Book describes the penalty as follows: “Penalty: For twisting, turning or pulling the mask: loss of 15 yards. A personal foul.Jan 11, 2010”
“Twist, turn or pull”. 2015 update: “Or, if you are playing Aaron Rodgers and about to knock them out of the playoffs, touch with one finger”
VP of officiating said it’s a legit call. Look at the replay he clearly gets his fingers in the facemask.
Wow a Hail Mary that works for us not against us for a change. Priceless.
VP of officiating said it’s a legit call. Look at the replay he clearly gets his fingers in the facemask.
vp of officiating also went on to say at the speed of play he understood why it was called. Now why would he add that remark? Though I do agree with the call on the field as in full speed in the moment it did look legit. It was incadental contact which happens all the time and rarely called. If a penalty were able to be challange it would have been reversed.
Remember Rogers is the king at complaining about penalties that were never there. Its actually funny when he complains, its like that kid that calls foul on everything in elementary gym class even has that dopey Mr.Peabody mug to go with his wining.
He was also horse collared on the play.
C’Mon Man!!! 15 yard penalty for preposterous statement.
Lions choked and did not have the right players on the field for the last play. Big Calvin was not on the field and should of been and the tight end forget his name already.
That one win right there might of won the division for the Pack. No I’m sure that just won the divison with who the Vikes have left to play.
Detroit’s coach gets the award for best “Deer in the headlights” look.
Call a time out and as Hoyt4 said get Johnson out on the field.
Last three games penalties:
GB 4 for 19 yds
MN 8 for 110
GB 3 for 38 yds
CHI 12 for 95
GB 7 for 55 yds
DET 9 for 108 yds
I saw Green Bay get some penalties last night and in many other games that stopped drives, so I guess that must of been a mistake by one of the officials?
Green Bay put together a better 2nd half than Detroit and got lucky on the last play, plain and simple. From the angle that the official saw the face mask penalty it would of looked like he nearly ripped the helmet off. The Detroit player did grab the face mask, makes no difference if it was one finger or ten.
I saw a lot of Lion’s players holding and with hands to the face that were never called. Officiating in the NFL is questionable on all levels, if you believe there is a conspiracy to get Green Bay in the play-offs, tell us who really killed Kennedy.
Is Green Bay going to the Superbowl, I highly doubt it. I give them about as much chance as the Vikings of making it there.
I went to bed when it was 17-0
was cussing our o-line
hoping Rodgers didn’t get injured due to the sieve of an o-line.
still say if packers make playoffs will get beat immediately.
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