Why does the hit being dirty or clean even matter?
from what I read, rogers was beoching at the player that hit him as he was being carted off, whining about it being a bad hit. your right, it doesn’t matter. 3:57pm and cabelas still down…
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Why does the hit being dirty or clean even matter?
from what I read, rogers was beoching at the player that hit him as he was being carted off, whining about it being a bad hit. your right, it doesn’t matter. 3:57pm and cabelas still down…
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>biggill wrote:</div>
Why does the hit being dirty or clean even matter?from what I read, rogers was beoching at the player that hit him as he was being carted off, whining about it being a bad hit. your right, it doesn’t matter. 3:57pm and cabelas still down…
He thought he could have pulled up. Which he could have. Not saying he should have but most players in that situation give a shove and I honestly think thats what a QB expects these days.
He was yelling at the player as he was walking to the sideline.
I’m a packer fan. So let me say this. Do I expect Barr to hold up on that hit… no! Do I expect rodgers to protect himself better no!!! The packers have protected him with league minimum guys all year. It bit them in the butt. Brett hundley will play himself into a big contract or he’ll be back with the packers next year on a min deal.
Flag or no flag the packers still lose and Rodgers is still out for the rest of the season.
Gonna be quiet around here without packers fans having something to play for. Anyone from Michigan around here
Was Treadwell’s block warrented a defenseless penalty? Without the block the guy blocked had a chance at a tackle. Anyone catch Aikman back peddling after yelling great block.
Was Treadwell’s block warrented a defenseless penalty? Without the block the guy blocked had a chance at a tackle. Anyone catch Aikman back peddling after yelling great block.
It was a Great Block. No head contact, all shoulder to the chest. Everyone has to protect themselves on that field. That means you need to have your head on a swivel no matter your position or intentions.
Gonna be quiet around here without packers fans having something to play for. Anyone from Michigan around here
Two sides to this sword. If the vikings fall on their face again and don’t win the division then what?
Vikings aren’t that good ya know.
Anyway, it will be good for Packer fans to see just what a difference back to back hall of fame quaterbacks make.
They will be back to the dark ages again.
I hear #4 ain’t doing nothing but texting and riding his tractor.
Please pass the sriracha sauce, this crow’s tasting pretty bitter.
Tip of the cap, this time, to the Que…, uh, Vikings. See you at Lambeau in December. We probably won’t be coming back to the Cities.
Kapper in green and yellow by Wednesday.
Sad honest truth, if he’s not, the media will be outraged…..again.
I’m a packer fan. So let me say this. Do I expect Barr to hold up on that hit… no! Do I expect rodgers to protect himself better no!!! The packers have protected him with league minimum guys all year. It bit them in the butt. Brett hundley will play himself into a big contract or he’ll be back with the packers next year on a min deal.
Spot on.
Vikes outplayed the pack no ifs/ands/buts about it. Had no problem with the hit by Barr. If it’s Matthews making hit and it draws a flag I’m saying “man I miss the days of real football,” so I’ll extend that same attitude both ways.
As for as Rodgers whining, I think it was an overreaction in the heat of the moment. If he doubles down on it in post-game remarks (haven’t watched those myself) I’ll be first to tell my MVP quarterback to grow a pair.
Anyway, it will be good for Packer fans to see just what a difference back to back hall of fame quaterbacks make.
They will be back to the dark ages again.
Does the name Matt Flynn mean anything to you? We’re well aware what a difference AR makes. It was only a few seasons ago that he broke his collarbone and missed 7 games.
Oh yeah, and then this happened:
Unfortunately I don’t see a come back like that happening again this year. Not with the injury on his throwing side.
Dude breaks your collar bone think you’re allowed to throw a few F’enheimers his way, I would. Doesn’t mean you think it’s cheap, just means that he freakin broke your collar bone!!
Thought it was pretty boring game. Gimme Verlander throwing 8 good innings then Kate Upton jumping up and down for joy, now that’s entertainment
I don’t think to many of us older pack fans take for granted having back to back hof qbs. We’re just enjoying the ride . What ar does , is cover up for a bad defense year in and year out , now they don’t have that . The vikes outplayed em all around today , hats off to them . Still a long way to go , we’ll see how it plays out .
My carrier pigeon just flopped in on one wing and delivered the scoring.
I don’t think to many of us older pack fans take for granted having back to back hof qbs. We’re just enjoying the ride . What ar does , is cover up for a bad defense year in and year out , now they don’t have that . The vikes outplayed em all around today , hats off to them . Still a long way to go , we’ll see how it plays out .
Shoot, I wear a Don Majkoswki jersey most game days and grew up on Randy Wrong before that. So yeah, we know.
Good classy showing by pack fans here today. Funny I haven’t seen anyone whining about the refs like was predicted. Only vikes fans whining about our qb cussing after breaking a collarbone.
Too bad about that bad break! 2nd best day since Brent wore that purple jersey. We will get to see how the pecklers function without an elite qb……good luck cheeseheads, you will need it. Barr is by far my favorite viking after today!
Did anyone ever mention that All Star Wrestling is the only real sport left anymore?
This is all a cover-up too get our thoughts off linking arms and kneeling.
Anyone know the score? My internet is out, and I haven’t seen a pigeon yet tonight. Thanks.
oh boy we won!!! sorry that the prom queen is out for the season!NOT lol my 2 favorite teams are vikes and whoever plays the packers good luck cheese heads
Yeah that Kate upton is fun to watch ! It was fun watching verlander mowing em down like his old self , far as the Vikings win ,very happy but would’ve been better had we beat them with Erin Rodgers in there love to beat them at there best …nice to see the packer faithful experience some heartbreak for once … packers are done .they will be lucky to Finnish 8-8 ,also beginning of the end for Erin Rodgers he will be gunshy if and when he does make a comeback. Skol
To those that are happy Rodgers got hurt. Just remember what goes around comes around. Do you ever think the reason the vikings have such bad luck is because they have a crooked owner??? I wasn’t happy when dalvin cook got hurt nor shouldve any real football fan been happy. I want the packers to win against the vikings at full strength.
To those that are happy Rodgers got hurt. Just remember what goes around comes around. Do you ever think the reason the vikings have such bad luck is because they have a crooked owner??? I wasn’t happy when dalvin cook got hurt nor shouldve any real football fan been happy. I want the packers to win against the vikings at full strength.
What comes around has been to Minnesota already. You might remember a couple of quarterbacks named Bridgewater & Bradford. Vikings have bad luck because it’s karma, you are correct it’s payback for having Ziggy fleece us on a stadium.
But you can call it what you want it ain’t bringing Rodgers back. He’s down, he’s out and it’s see ya next year. Don’t confuse having Rodgers hurt with our happiness that the Packer season is ruined.
Nope it won’t Dutch. Not saying it will. Packers season will not be the same. This is what happens when a team is too dependant on one player. See the vikings with ap for all those years who I also didn’t want to see go down.
It’s never easy when u lose a MVP caliber player , as a Vikings fan I’m curious to see how the pac handles everything from here on out , its a sick feeling i bet , 4-1 running through the division and looking like a lock for the playoffs for the umteenth staright year in a row and then boom tony Barr puts a lick on Erin and the season is more then likely shot .
Today was a win for the vikes but it was an empty win. I’d prefer a win against the pack with Rogers at the helm.Who knows how the game would have turned with him in play.It was a sloppy game by vikes first half and to only score field goals the last 3 possesions that lead to a score against a defense that was dropping like flies was dissapointing if not pitiful.
As for ziggy being crooked well the league is crooked, heck their peddaling gambling for cripes sake.
Today was a win for the vikes but it was an empty win. I’d prefer a win against the pack with Rogers at the helm.Who knows how the game would have turned with him in play.It was a sloppy game by vikes first half and to only score field goals the last 3 possesions against a defense that was dropping like flies.
As for ziggy being crooked well the league is crooked, heck their peddaling gambling for cripes sake.
Ziggy isn’t the only one but he was the guy that had to pay millions for screwing his cousin out of a real estate deal but I get ur point. Publicly funded stadiums are a load of crap.
BIG WIN for the Vikes
Ahhhemm everyone wrote off the Cowboys off last season,yea surely they also had zeke, but you just can’t blow off the packers season just yet.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>1hl&sinker wrote:</div>
Was Treadwell’s block warrented a defenseless penalty? Without the block the guy blocked had a chance at a tackle. Anyone catch Aikman back peddling after yelling great block.It was a Great Block. No head contact, all shoulder to the chest. Everyone has to protect themselves on that field. That means you need to have your head on a swivel no matter your position or intentions.
Honestly, not good for anyone that Rodgers got hurt today. Not the Pack certainly and not the NFL. I prefer to beat the Pack at full strength, but there’s a ton of big name players going down this season.
In regards to Treadwell’s crackback, as an official at the HS level, that hit will draw flags at all levels in today’s game. That is the most basic of hits that is being ruled out of the game. As a Viking’s fan I’d love to cheer for it, but that’s a clear personal foul in today’s game. That’s why we saw three flags laying at LaQuon’s feet.
So has Treadwell caught a ball yet?
He actually made a gorgeous jumping one-handed catch today.
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