P4 – Leadcore vs longline

  • Jeff B
    Posts: 18

    Wanted to get peoples thoughts on 2 fishing techniques to be used specifically on Pool4.

    When trolling in the 10-12 FOW range, I currently like to run shad raps 7 cranks on Suffix 832 braid back anywhere from 100-150 feet back depending on the day. Normally in water that shallow I would never run leadcore due to the fact I would only have about 50 feet of leadcore (832 advanced) to achieve the depths I need.

    I just read another post on here about someone pulling lead in the 12FOW range, and it got me thinking. Due to the river clarity can one get away with running lead on such a short line and not spooking the fish? Anyone noticed a difference on one technique being better or worse under certain conditions (windy vs calm).

    I would actually prefer to run lead on shorter lines due to boat and bait control, plus can get the fish up in half the time.

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    I have run lead fishing in 8-12′ of water before. Up in the river/backchannel, etc, it’s the ticket. That lead follows your boat much better than a long line will.

    On the lake, where you are less likely to make so many turns, in and out, etc, a long line will work fine. There is also a different action to the baits IMO when you use them on either lead or long lining. Try both and whatever works that given day, use it is what I do!

    Red Wing
    Posts: 539

    We ran lead today in relatively bright, flat conditions. Lure was clown. By far best color today. 9 to 11 fow.

    Tried flat line and planer boards too with little success.

    Hauling the mail at 2.7 to 3.0

    Water pretty dirty.

    I am supremely in lead…it tracks well, depth can easily played with, and my kids can deploy it )

    Will repeat tomorrow…and the giant sunnies are tight to the rocks. We got bored catching walleyes.

    1. image52.jpg

    2. image51.jpg

    3. image50.jpg

    Jeff B
    Posts: 18

    I agree with all the pros on running lead. My only concern was spooking fish but apparently its not a big deal. Thanks guys.

    Red Wing
    Posts: 539


    I have had days though when planer boards reign supreme. I LOVE the messing around, findind the preference of the fish.
    Using SI on the Bird has been very helpful too…find fish, drop waypoints, troll back through…game on!
    Good luck! Get out there now!

    Jeff B
    Posts: 18

    How far out do you set your range on the SI? I have little luck finding fish on the SI unless they are big fish or lots of them. Finding structure is my main use use…

    Red Wing
    Posts: 539

    How far out do you set your range on the SI? I have little luck finding fish on the SI unless they are big fish or lots of them. Finding structure is my main use useā€¦

    I had it set at 80 feet today. The fish were very visible. When I would see a string of fish, I move the cursor over them and drop a waypoint. Eventually, this process makes my trolling run where the fish are, and not where I want to go. For example, Sunday had fish a good 300 hundred yards from where they were today.
    SI told me that after a few passes.
    My kids are getting really good at seeing fish and figuring out if they are belly to bottom or suspended too )

    casey walters
    Mapleton, MN
    Posts: 107

    I like to run a shorty with lead always no matter how deep Ive caught walleyes with 30 feet out, i will run this strait out the back of the boat keeps tangles down too exp in the wind eaiser than running boards with the kids, doesnt seem to spook at all.

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